Graham hopes Nebraska will change electoral vote system
"I hope they will allow winner-take-all," Sen. Lindsay Graham said.

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Sept. 19, 2024

Sen. Lindsey Graham hopes Nebraska will change system that could give electoral vote to Harris

Sen. Lindsey Graham is seen during a news conference at the U.S. Capitol on June 20, 2024 in Washington, DC.

Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday he's hopeful Nebraska will change the way it apportions its Electoral College votes in the upcoming election, given the possibility that the presidential election could come down to a single electoral vote.

"I hope they will allow winner-take-all," Graham, a South Carolina Republican, told reporters on Thursday. Graham met with Nebraska's governor and state lawmakers to discuss moving the state to a winner-take-all electoral system the day before. "Trump's going to win the state by 20 points."

In 48 states, electoral votes are allocated based upon which candidate wins the majority of votes in the state. Nebraska, along with Maine, are the exception, apportioning their electoral votes based partially upon congressional districts. And in the Cornhusker State, that could mean Vice President Kamala Harris could come away with a single electoral vote from an Omaha-area district.

Graham said it's "very reasonable" for Nebraska to push for a change to the electoral vote system now because "the whole fate of the country and the world could hinge on one electoral vote."

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