On the Departure of Naz Durakoglu

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12/20/2024 08:50 PM EST

Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State

Under the leadership of Assistant Secretary Naz Durakoglu, the Bureau of Legislative Affairs partnered with Congress to advance critical U.S. national security priorities.

Naz reestablished the State Department’s legislative proposals process with authorizing and appropriations committees, allowing the Department to secure vital benefits for our employees and their families as well as authorities to allow the Department to expeditiously open U.S. embassies overseas, respond to crises, and modernize U.S. diplomacy. Naz and her team worked tirelessly for Senate confirmation of the Department’s nominees.

I extend my deepest thanks to Naz and her family for their extraordinary service and wish her well as she returns to the Senate next year.

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