The latest from CT Pastors features a candid work of satire by Ginger McPherson, a ministry spouse who dreams of the perfect assistant—someone to shoulder the invisible labor of church life.
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CT Pastors

This edition is sponsored by Wesleyan Investment Foundation

Wanted: A Pastor's Wife

The latest from CT Pastors features a candid work of satire by Ginger McPherson, a ministry spouse who dreams of the perfect assistant—someone to shoulder the invisible labor of church life.

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For over 75 years, Wesleyan Investment Foundation has provided church financing that supports Kingdom-building projects. They offer pricing that is both competitive and designed to serve churches well.

WIF's comprehensive understanding of church needs comes from partnering with thousands of congregations across denominations. Their perfect record of zero foreclosures speaks to their commitment to walk alongside ministry partners through every challenge.

Ready to align your church's financial decisions with your spiritual mission? Schedule a conversation about your congregation's vision for growth.

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This article is brought to you by Baylor University’s Truett Seminary. Through concentrations like the Theology, Ecology, and Food Justice Program, Truett is equipping Christian leaders to address complex challenges…

In Case You Missed It

Four factors driving young women away from the church and pastoral strategies to address them.

How to preach and lead when trauma sits in your sanctuary.

Transforming passive church members into purposeful disciples equipped for today’s complexities.

For this Easter and Lenten season, we will begin a journey toward joy. While it is right and good for Christians to enter into a time of somber reflection as we look to the Cross, we don’t want to forget that this is a road with a joyful conclusion—the resurrection of Christ.

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