March 12

I have a data action as follows

"translationMap": {
"InstanceUrl": "$.InstanceUrl",

"translationMapDefaults": {},
"successTemplate": "#set($url = ${InstanceUrl}) #set($item = $url.split(",,")) {"Labels": ${item}}"

Input: InstanceUrl is a string and looks like this: "Call Record, Incident,,https://google.com, https://gmail.com"
the response of DataAction looks like this
"Labels": [
"Google, Gmail , https://google.com, https://gmail.com"

I want to loop through the array and make two arrays that outputs as follows:
"Label": [Google, Gmail]
"Value": [https://google.com, https://gmail.com]
Is there a way to loop through the Labels[] and add split it into two arrays?

Or is there a better approach to achieve the expected output in DataAction?


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