March 13

The api “https://api.mypurecloud.ie/api/v2/workforcemanagement/shrinkage/jobs/:jobId” returns the url that we want to access , this is an example


the url is already encoded, if we do the request using postman it returns a 200 code with is correct.
In our case we have to do the request using a batch process,using java with Spring and APX architecture, which is used internally .

In apx all API request are done using connector called “api connector”thits connector by default always encoede the parameter“%” of the url, thats why is we send the first URL a double encoded URL and it will return an error code, thas why we decode the URL before doing the request, this is an example of the url that we want to send “/api-downloads.mypurecloud.ie/historicalAdherence/results/userDownloads/historicalShrinkage/bfa2eb10-fe59-48e9-b612-76acf0cd31d4/af7409b3-bb5d-43e4-80ed-98407a003868?response-content-disposition=inline;filename="historicalShrinkageResult.json"&Expires=1741011226&Signature=k4cz~zjI1aLfhggcrrh1tekMS0u2M3xy7Es68Y9cbl~HJhrTdkQlhaWGQGoXqCfnph4OuKv4AncMCuoYKASlBZ6cDKJ~06DV9AC1UwtlVxTLcyvV26UMB1dVnuk8-XQCvR~kbMb0up6K4YCvw~5R8GuEamc9ibCcY9Youb5UQzBTgFehSdr8R~gJI0ZQZ58-nOGjfsRyIuV1bXoUl4R6mQTkBVtvueRdVwanjZaC1~lz-ne93xD4sQ0S~-4XLb9hzq1C7MUHyrpKTqOPmwDpBS1Y64-7pzP5v-vlyV9pkhm05NY3AaN0k7WlKEzLwH7qynhOISH0P9~yyByImKL4Ow__&Key-Pair-Id=K39P3NIVQ2H300]

Since this url is decoded, the api connector should encode the url back again.

The problem here is the api connector have certain restrictions , one of them is that it doesnt encode the “;”, so this is the url that the api connector is trying to access


This url is encoded correctly , except from the “;” which is located next to the parameter “inline”,if we send the url like that the apis return this error.
Is there any way to send the url decoded by doing that we won’t have any problem?.

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