Library of Congress Senate Floor Today Update

A bill to ensure that homicides can be prosecuted under Federal law without regard to the time elapsed between the act or omission that caused the death of the victim and the death itself . (03/11/2025 legislative day) Bills Presented to the President Update

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A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management relating to "Protection of Marine Archaeological Resources".

Poetry 180: Poem 120 - "The Swan at Edgewater Park"

Poem 120 - "The Swan at Edgewater Park"

A poem by Ruth L. Schwartz from the Library's Poetry 180 Project.


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Today in History - March 12

Today in History - March 12

On March 12, 1901, Andrew Carnegie, one of the world's foremost industrialists, offered the city of New York $5.2 million for the construction of sixty-five branch libraries.  Continue reading.

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Law Library: News & Events: Join us on Thursday, March 27 For "Climate-Induced Migration: Responses in the Pacific," at 9 AM EDT

Join foreign law specialist Kelly Buchanan on Thursday, March 27, at 9:00 AM EDT as she reviews the responses to the climate-induced migration issue in the Pacific.

In particular, in 2023, Pacific Island leaders endorsed the Pacific Regional Framework on Climate Mobility, which “recognizes the urgent need to strengthen understanding, coordination and cooperation on climate change-related human mobility; establish adequate human rights-based response and support mechanisms for people at risk; and adopt a proactive and planned approach to address climate mobility and enhance Pacific resilience and well-being.”

In addition, the webinar will highlight the November 2023 agreement between Australia and Tuvalu, known as the Falepili Union, which includes an undertaking from Australia to create a “special mobility pathway” for Tuvaluans, focusing on “mobility with dignity.”

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Explore the Legacy of Black Dance with a New Research Guide

03/12/2025 11:24 AM EDT

The Library of Congress Music Division is excited to announce the release of Black Dancers and Choreographers: A Guide to Resources at the Library of Congress, a comprehensive research guide showcasing the Library’s unique resources on the rich history and cultural impact of Black artists in American dance. Since the 19th century, Black dancers and …

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Full-Year Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025 (03/12/2025 legislative day)
Finding Pictures: Mid-Century Color Photography

03/12/2025 02:03 PM EDT

Finding Pictures is a regular webinar series produced by staff of the Prints and Photographs Division. This post advertises the upcoming talk on Mid-Century Color Photography by Leigh Gleason, Head of Reference. It includes example photos from multiple collections, including works by Russell Lee, Theodor Horydczak, Toni Frissell, Bernard Gotfryd, and Balthazar Korab.

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Netherlands: Supreme Court Rules There Is No Right to Free Contraception for Women

03/12/2025 03:17 PM EDT

On February 21, 2025, the Dutch Supreme Court (Hoge Raad) held that the Dutch government is not obligated to provide women over the age of 18 with contraception free of charge. It ruled that, assuming there is indirect discrimination of women because they bear most of the costs of contraception they use, this was not …


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