Otello! Otello! | Italian cheesemaker Degust makes a cheese, which is a not-so-subtle visual tribute to Shakespeare’s tragic hero, who we’ll see is in the news today. Miraculously the cheese hasn’t yet been imported to the U.S., although with tariffs on European goods in today’s news — not to mention American sensitivities around race a little more heightened than those in Italy — it might be a while: |  | Yes, this is a real picture of the “Otello” cheese. I almost couldn’t believe it came up either when I searched for “Othello Cheese Pun” on Google yesterday, yet here we are! |
| Meanwhile today’s news cheddlines you Need2Know are delivered with total sensitivity, as always. | Today's Cheddlines you Need2Know | | I follow him but to serve my turn upon him! That’s a nasty quote by Jake Gyllenhaal’s character, in case you were wondering. | —Matt Davis, Need2Know Chedditor | P.S. This robot is kung-fu fighting on our ‘gram! | | Quote of the Day | ❝ | | In the past, the president’s name would never be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever. | | — Richard Painter |
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