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Our SynthMaster Everything Bundle includes SynthMaster One, SynthMaster 2, SynthMaster 3 and all current and future preset banks for our products. We currently have 52 expansion banks for SynthMaster One and SynthMaster 2, and we are currently working on new expansion banks for SynthMaster 3 in 2025! Everything Bundle comes with 7300 presets designed by a world class team of sound designers. Have a listen to the audio demos on our SoundCloud page:
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KV331 Audio
What's new in SynthMaster 3.1 ?
Below are the new features in our latest SynthMaster 3.1.1 update. If you haven't checked out SynthMaster 3.1 yet, you can download the demo version from our web site.
New Drum Kit Presets
We added 25 new drum-kit presets  and 120 drum patterns designed by Gercek Dorman. Those drum-kit presets and drum patterns are created using the new drum-kit related features introduced in SynthMaster 3.1.1
New Analog Inspired Presets
We added 50 new analog inspired presets designed by Bulent Biyikoglu. Those presets are created using the new voice modifier parameters feature introduced in SynthMaster 3.1.1
Dark & White Skins
We added 2 new skins designed by Levent Biyikoglu, which can be easily changed by clicking on the main menu:
Waveform/Wavetable/Sample Browser Dialog
The workflow for selecting waveforms/wavetables/samples for oscillators is vastly improved by the introduction of the Waveform/Wavetable/Sample Browser Dialog. When you click on an oscillator waveform display, the dialog shows up with the current waveform selected. On this dialog, you can preview waveforms/wavetables/samples, favourite the ones you like, and also filter them by name/favourite flag:
Voice Modifiers for Basic Oscillators / VAnalog Oscillators / ADSR Envelopes
Poly analog synths have slightly different parameter values for each voice, giving them their unique charactheristics. To emulate this behavior, we are introducing "voice modifiers" for Basic Oscillators / VAnalog Oscillators and ADSR Envelopes. Those modules now have a new "Vintage" knob. To add voice modifiers to those modules, simply imcrease the value of this knob, and then bring up the "Voice Modifiers Dialog" by right clicking on the vintage knob. On this dialog, you can edit all parameters with voice modifiers:
Hidden / Favourite Presets
We simplified the process of favouriting and hiding presets in SynthMaster 3.1.1. On the presets list, now there are 2 icons next to the preset name: Favourite Flag and Hidden Flag. By clicking on the Hidden flag, you can simply hide a preset. This is especially useful to hide presets in banks, since presets in banks can not be deleted individually. On top of the presets list, now there are 2 icons to easily filter presets for Favourite and Hidden flags:
Master Drum Sequencer Dialog
We are turning SynthMaster 3 into a powerful drum synthesizer with the introduction of "Drum Part" layers and Master Drum Sequencer Dialog in our v3.1.1 update! This dialog is used to edit drum patterns for "drum part" layers. There can be up to 128 patterns, which can be triggered by playing different keys. Users can easily copy, paste, duplicate, add, delete, load or save patterns:
Custom File Paths
With our v3.1.1 update, we are simplifying the following workflows:
  • Adding/removing custom folder locations for waveforms / wavetables
  • Adding/removing custom folder locations for multisamples / single samples / sfz files
  • Adding/removing custom folder locations for presets
  • Changing the location of SynthMaster 3 installation folder & moving contents to the new location
  • Changing the location of SynthMaster 3 User Documens folder & moving contents to the new location
  • Changing the location of SynthMaster 3 Public Documents folder & moving contents to the new location
Bug Fixes
Here are the lists of bugs fixed in our v3.1.1 update:
  1. Initializing a preset might generate clicks
  2. Wavetable oscillator view might crash SynthMaster 3
  3. Sample keytrack is not loaded correctly on the sample editor dialog
  4. Sfz region's loop mode should be set from the corresponding sample file if the loop mode is not defined in the sfz text
  5. Quick sort algorithm on large number of items might cause crashes due to stack overflow errors
  6. Move before module menu is not working
  7. Move after module menu is not working
  8. Granular oscillator might crash SynthMaster 3 when layer voice allocation is static or layer poly mode is mono
  9. Vector oscillator x/y axis values are not loaded correctly from SynthMaster 2 presets
  10. When a dialog is moved, views behind it stay invisible
  11. Distortion effect is not initialized correctly causing clicks upon initialization
  12. After a preset is loaded, midi listener controls such as  pitch bend slider / mod wheel slider / piano view stop responding to midi messages
  13. Preset author is not read correctly from SynthMaster One presets
  14. Deleting keyframe for a spectral filter wavetable effect might crash SynthMaster 3
  15. Loading a nks preset inside Komplete Kontrol / Maschine crashes SynthMaster 3
  16. Loading a SynthMaster 3 preset with multiple layers into a layer doesn't work correctly and might crash SynthMaster 3
  17. When refreshing license key file, a new license for SynthMaster 2 should be created if it is missing
  18. Creating random waveform crashes SynthMaster 3
  19. When user restores SynthMaster One factory presets, SynthMaster One presets can not be loaded until the next restart
  20. When user restores SynthMaster 2 factory presets, SynthMaster 2 presets can not be loaded until the next restart
  21. Fine tune display/parameter range should be between -50/+50 cents
  22. Arpeggiator might cause hanging hotes in Chord mode
  23. Arpeggiator doesn't play notes after the first one correctly in Chord mode
  24. If user edits ADSR envelope attack/decay/release times by typing, the value resets to the minimum after editing
  25. When number of steps is increased for a drum sequence, all new notes should be cleared
  26. When loading a preset for a layer effect rack, the fx output in the routing view disconnects from its input(s)
  27. SynthMaster 3 crashes when a modulation source button is dragged on another modulation source button
  28. When a popup window is open, all controls behind it should be invisible
  29. When user changes waveform of a vector/additive oscillator while a note is playing, the new waveform is not loaded
  30. Increasing unison detune spread parameter of a layer shifts the center pitch of that layer when layer has more than one unison voice
  31. Deleting the last keyframe of a line source and then inserting a keyframe at the end crashes SynthMaster 3
  32. Deleting a keyframe might crash SynthMaster 3
  33. Rearranging modules in routing view might crash SynthMaster 3
  34. Loading a preset into a layer might delete mod matrix entries for other layers
  35. Step LFO doesn't move to the next step when trigger type is set to Global
  36. SynthMaster 3 might crash when a popup window is open and a new preset is loaded
  37. FIX: SynthMaster 3 might crash when scanning wave files with invalid headers
  38. Drum sequences are not displayed as sorted
  39. SynthMaster 3 doesn't load sfz files with round robin / random regions correctly
  40. SynthMaster 3 might crash when reading older archive files (SynthMaster 2 expansions)
  41. Favourite/hidden attributes for online presets are not saved
  42. Online presets for SynthMaster One/SynthMaster 2 are not displayed on the preset browser
  43. Oscillator view doesn't allow creating a new multi-sample before loading one first
  44. When user saves a preset, favourites/hidden attributes of presets are reset

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