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Mon­tara Ther­a­peu­tics adds $20M to seed fundraise for neu­rol­o­gy pipeline Read in browser
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13 March, 2025
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1. MeiraGTx teams with cryptic AI startup, co-founded by Eric Schmidt, to advance Parkinson's gene therapy
in focus
Trump blog: FDA, NIH picks clear Senate panel; CDC nominee pulled at last minute
3. Acelyrin, Pliant turn to ‘poison pill’ as Kevin Tang’s Concentra pursues both companies
4. Montara Therapeutics adds $20M to seed fundraise for neurology pipeline
5. Updated: Endo and Mallinckrodt to merge in $6.7B deal
6. Amgen reports more Uplizna data in myasthenia gravis ahead of FDA filing
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Jaimy Lee

We’re still gathering nominations for our annual biopharma LGBTQ+ list. Know someone who fits the bill? Nominate them by March 25, or reach out to Kyle LaHucik with any questions in the meantime.

Jaimy Lee
Deputy Editor, Endpoints News
Alexandria Forbes, MeiraGTx CEO (Hollie Adams/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
by Max Gelman

A small-cap biotech de­vel­op­ing gene ther­a­pies is spin­ning out its Parkin­son’s dis­ease pro­gram in­to a new com­pa­ny in part­ner­ship with a se­cre­tive AI start­up co-found­ed by for­mer Google CEO Er­ic Schmidt.

MeiraGTx said Thurs­day it will get $200 mil­lion up­front in a deal with Holo­gen AI, a UK-based com­pa­ny still in stealth. MeiraGTx's AAV-GAD pro­gram will be housed in a new­co called Holo­gen Neu­ro AI, and Holo­gen has com­mit­ted to ad­di­tion­al fund­ing of up to $230 mil­lion to push AAV-GAD through Phase 3 stud­ies, which are ex­pect­ed to be­gin in mid-2025.

MeiraGTx will own a 30% stake in the new ven­ture while still be­ing re­spon­si­ble for all clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment and man­u­fac­tur­ing ac­tiv­i­ties. Holo­gen will get a mi­nor­i­ty stake in MeiraGTx’s man­u­fac­tur­ing sub­sidiary. And Holo­gen Neu­ro AI will al­so work on oth­er pro­grams in­volv­ing the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem, in­clud­ing one for ge­net­ic obe­si­ty called AAV-BD­NF. MeiraGTx's stock MGTX was up about 28% on Thurs­day morn­ing.

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Endpoints In Focus

Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s picks to lead the FDA and NIH are one step clos­er to con­fir­ma­tion af­ter ad­vanc­ing out of a Sen­ate com­mit­tee on Thurs­day.

The Sen­ate HELP com­mit­tee vot­ed 14-9 for FDA nom­i­nee Mar­ty Makary, and 12-11 for NIH nom­i­nee Jay Bhat­tacharya. The full Sen­ate votes haven’t yet been sched­uled, but con­fir­ma­tion ap­pears like­ly.

“We need pub­lic health lead­ers com­mit­ted to trans­paren­cy and find­ing un­bi­ased so­lu­tions to Amer­i­cans’ most chal­leng­ing health prob­lems,” Sen. Bill Cas­sidy (R-LA) said ahead of the vote. “Dr. Bhat­tacharya and Dr. Makary have demon­strat­ed that they are ready to take on this re­spon­si­bil­i­ty.”

Makary and Bhat­tacharya breezed through their re­spec­tive Sen­ate hear­ings last week, fac­ing few dif­fi­cult ques­tions and giv­ing most­ly safe an­swers. The nom­i­nees both ex­pressed sup­port for vac­cines, said they weren’t in­volved in Trump ad­min­is­tra­tion de­ci­sions to cut staff, and promised to look in­to those cuts.

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by Jaimy Lee

Ace­lyrin and Pli­ant Ther­a­peu­tics, both of which are viewed as takeover tar­gets for Kevin Tang’s Con­cen­tra Bio­sciences, each adopt­ed a “poi­son pill” on Thurs­day morn­ing.

Ace­lyrin, a strug­gling im­munol­o­gy biotech that’s faced sev­er­al clin­i­cal set­backs since its close­ly watched IPO in 2023, is in the process of merg­ing with Alu­mis in an all-stock deal. It has re­ferred to Con­cen­tra’s of­fer, which was dis­closed last week, as a less “su­pe­ri­or pro­pos­al” than the pend­ing merg­er.

Ace­lyrin said that Con­cen­tra now owns 8.8% of the com­pa­ny in a “con­tin­ued rapid ac­cu­mu­la­tion” of shares. Tang found­ed Con­cen­tra two years ago.

At the same time, Con­cen­tra this week took a 9.6% stake in Pli­ant, an­oth­er strug­gling biotech that just dis­con­tin­ued a Phase 2b tri­al for its lead pro­gram, an ex­per­i­men­tal id­io­path­ic pul­monary fi­bro­sis treat­ment called bex­ote­grast.

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