SPRC In-Person Walking Tour - Thursday, March 20: 4601 Fairfax Drive 'Ballston One'
An In-Person Walking Tour for
Ballston One site plan will be held on Thursday, March 20, from 5-6 p.m. at 4601 Fairfax Drive. Meeting location will be on-site at the corner of Fairfax Drive and N. Wakefield Street.
At this optional in-person walking tour of 4601 Fairfax Drive, also known as the Ballston One site, Site Plan Review Committee (SPRC) members will be given a guided tour to see the site's existing conditions prior to the first SPRC meeting scheduled for that evening. Members of the public are welcome to join and listen in on the tour. Additional information about the walking tour route will be posted to the project website ahead of the tour.
Please note that the walking tour is informational and not a public input opportunity. There will be opportunity for public comment on the proposal at the first Site Plan Review Committee meeting later that evening.
The project website hosts important information about the proposed project, such as:
Project background and details
Previous community engagements
Staff presentations
How to Participate:
Meet on site at the corner of Fairfax Drive and N. Wakefield Street at 5 p.m. on March 20. Additional information about the walking tour route will be posted to the project website ahead of the tour.
The Site Plan Review Committee is a committee of the Arlington County Planning Commission. The SPRC reviews all site plan applications and major site plan amendment requests. The committee includes Planning Commission members, representatives from other relevant commissions, community organizations, and appointed citizens.