Scroll down to learn about a program that's helping potential buyers afford homes in Arlington.
St. Patrick's Day Safety
Ahead of St. Patrick’s Day, the Arlington County Police Department is hosting an interactive event highlighting the impacts alcohol has on motor skills -- because even one drink is one too many to get behind the wheel.
Budget Review
The County Board is reviewing the proposed FY 2026 Budget now through April 9. Attend a work session & stay informed on key issues like housing, public safety, and transportation.
Want to speak at an upcoming hearing? Register for March 25 and March 27.
Water Worries
It's Flood Awareness Week in Virginia. The County is encouraging Virginians to learn about their flood risk and protect the life they’ve built with flood insurance.

Helping Arlington's Newest House Hunters
The Moderate-Income Purchase Assistance Program (MIPAP) provides a deferred-payment, interest-free loan to qualified first-time homebuyers purchasing in Arlington. The loan can help with a down payment and closing costs. Apply now.
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