Read our new ESP32 Guides published on the RNT blog.

Hi. We hope you’re doing well.

We just published two new guides this week about the DS3231 RTC Module.

This module allows you to set up external alarms that can be useful to wake-up the ESP32 at precise times or other time-related applications.

- ESP32: Wake-Up From Deep Sleep using External Alarms (DS3231 RTC) — learn how to wake up the ESP32 from deep sleep using an external alarm scheduled on the DS3231 RTC Module [continue reading...]

- ESP32: Guide for DS3231 Real Time Clock Module (RTC) — getting started guide to learn how to get time with the DS3231 and set up alarms. You can set up to two alarms and these can be configured to trigger based on a specific time and/or date [continue reading...]

- If you’re not familiar with Deep Sleep with the ESP32, you can get started with this guide: ESP32 Deep Sleep with Arduino IDE and Wake Up Sources.

You may also like: Learn ESP32 with Arduino IDE (eBook) 3rd Edition »

We hope you find these new guides useful.

Thanks for reading.
Rui Santos




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Random Nerd Tutorials helps makers, hobbyists, and engineers build electronics and Internet of Things projects with ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino, Raspberry Pi. You can enroll in our courses here.

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