Join Us Today for the PTSA General Meeting
Our rescheduled from February general meeting of the McLean High School PTSA will take place Thursday, March 13 at 7:00 pm. This meeting will be VIRTUAL ONLY.
Use this link to join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 966 9912 9253
following the PTSA General Meeting at 7:00 pm
It's never too early to start learning about the college application process. Our speaker, Laurie Lande, is an experienced independent college counselor who helps high school students with the college application process. Please join us to learn more about college readiness in all grades of high school. This virtual presentation will take place following the business portion of our PTSA meeting on March 13.
Do you know the difference between the early action, early decision, early decision 2 and regular decision rounds in the college process? What about the difference between weighted and unweighted GPAs, and which GPAs do colleges prefer? Come hear Laurie speak about these important distinctions, as well as what to do when your child's GPA is not stellar.
Keep in mind that the average cost for private college now is $80k a year, and even among public universities, it averages $30k. What is the most meaningful way to find aid for college and which colleges are more likely to award such aid? Laurie can answer this question.