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New GoodRx CEO wants to lean into brand names, accelerate growth Read in browser
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13 March, 2025
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1. Updated: White House pulls Weldon's nomination to lead CDC at last minute
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Trump blog: FDA, NIH picks clear Senate panel; FDA top lawyer resigns
3. The new CEO of GoodRx wants to lean into brand names and speed up the drug discount company's growth
4. Updated: Endo and Mallinckrodt to merge in $6.7B deal
5. Amgen reports more Uplizna data in myasthenia gravis ahead of FDA filing
6. MeiraGTx teams with cryptic AI startup, co-founded by Eric Schmidt, to advance Parkinson's gene therapy
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Alexis Kramer

The FDA’s new chief counsel resigned less than two days after the agency announced her appointment. Hilary Perkins, a DOJ attorney, has been involved in abortion pill cases during both the Trump and Biden administrations. Read more in our blog here.

Alexis Kramer
Editor, Endpoints News
Dave Weldon (Brendan Farrington/AP Images, File)
by Max Bayer

The White House pulled the nom­i­na­tion of its pro­posed CDC Di­rec­tor Dave Wel­don just hours be­fore a Sen­ate con­fir­ma­tion hear­ing was sched­uled to be­gin, a sur­prise fail­ure in what has been a rel­a­tive­ly easy path for the Trump ad­min­is­tra­tion’s health­care ap­point­ments.

Wel­don, a for­mer Flori­da con­gress­man, has been not­ed for his views as a vac­cine skep­tic, and was seen as an al­ly of HHS Sec­re­tary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s push to re­open long-set­tled ques­tions about vac­cine safe­ty. While vac­cine scruti­ny has been a ma­jor point of sup­port for Kennedy’s “Make Amer­i­ca Health Again” move­ment, the is­sue has been con­tin­u­ous­ly con­tro­ver­sial in Sen­ate hear­ings and has raised doubts for some Re­pub­li­cans — though un­til now not enough to re­sult in a los­ing vote.

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Endpoints In Focus

Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s picks to lead the FDA and NIH are one step clos­er to con­fir­ma­tion af­ter ad­vanc­ing out of a Sen­ate com­mit­tee on Thurs­day.

The Sen­ate HELP Com­mit­tee vot­ed 14-9 for FDA nom­i­nee Mar­ty Makary, and 12-11 for NIH nom­i­nee Jay Bhat­tacharya. The full Sen­ate votes haven’t yet been sched­uled, but con­fir­ma­tion ap­pears like­ly.

“We need pub­lic health lead­ers com­mit­ted to trans­paren­cy and find­ing un­bi­ased so­lu­tions to Amer­i­cans’ most chal­leng­ing health prob­lems,” Sen. Bill Cas­sidy (R-LA) said ahead of the vote. “Dr. Bhat­tacharya and Dr. Makary have demon­strat­ed that they are ready to take on this re­spon­si­bil­i­ty.”

Makary and Bhat­tacharya breezed through their re­spec­tive Sen­ate hear­ings last week, fac­ing few dif­fi­cult ques­tions and giv­ing most­ly safe an­swers. The nom­i­nees both ex­pressed sup­port for vac­cines, said they weren’t in­volved in Trump ad­min­is­tra­tion de­ci­sions to cut staff, and promised to look in­to those cuts.

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Wendy Barnes, GoodRx CEO
by Shelby Livingston

GoodRx has been in a rut. In its al­most five years as a pub­lic com­pa­ny, its rev­enue flat­lined, and its stock price plunged about 90%. Its founders stepped down as co-CEOs in 2023, and tem­po­rary lead­er­ship re­vamped the busi­ness mod­el in hopes of spurring growth.

Now, GoodRx’s new CEO, Wendy Barnes, says her job is not so much to fix any­thing, but to speed up the com­pa­ny’s cur­rent plans — and to re­vive the stock price. Specif­i­cal­ly, she’s fo­cused on find­ing more ways to help pa­tients ac­cess brand-name drugs.

“The rails ex­ist, but we've just got to throw more trains on it,” she said in an in­ter­view with End­points News. “We've got to re­al­ly ex­pand the same strat­e­gy.”

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by Elizabeth Cairns

The ru­mors are true: En­do will com­bine with Mallinck­rodt in a deal worth $6.7 bil­lion. And the new com­pa­ny, which is yet to be named, will be look­ing to buy new as­sets once the in­te­gra­tion is com­plete.

En­do will be­come a whol­ly-owned sub­sidiary of Mallinck­rodt, the com­pa­nies said Thurs­day. Mallinck­rodt will pay $80 mil­lion cash to En­do share­hold­ers, who will own 49.9% of the com­bined com­pa­ny on a pro for­ma ba­sis af­ter the deal clos­es.

Mallinck­rodt’s ex­ist­ing loans and debt will be re­fi­nanced, while En­do’s debt is ex­pect­ed to re­main. The deal, in­clud­ing this planned re­jig­ging of debt, will be fund­ed with cash on hand and $900 mil­lion pro­vid­ed to En­do by Gold­man Sachs.

The com­pa­nies con­tend that their mar­ket­ed drugs and ex­per­tise in rare and or­phan dis­eases will “de­liv­er strong growth with an at­trac­tive cash flow pro­file.”

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