March 13th, 2025
Good Afternoon Flint Hill Families,
Spring was in the air at Flint Hill this week and learning was in full bloom in our classrooms.
In 6th grade, Mrs. Pacitti and Ms. Spalding were meeting with reading groups while analyzing non-fiction texts. Students in 3rd grade were also analyzing texts closely with Mrs. Altounian, Ms. Shaffer and Mrs. Kyle.
Picture day and gym repairs on Wednesday cooperated with nice weather to give students an opportunity for outdoor PE with Ms. Garner and Ms. Coffey. Students were practicing hitting, serving and passing in their volleyball unit.
Today, kindergarten classes welcomed Leah Moser, a local author, to meet with students and share some of her writing. Mrs. Moser visited with students, answered questions about writing and shared her story I Am a Thundercloud.
Last week, Karen Taylor (a former FHES Outdoor Learning teacher) visited 2nd grade classes to talk to students about pollinators! In Ms. Attiliis' class, Ms. Taylor spoke with students about the differences between bees and wasps, shared examples of bee hives and discussed the importance of bees in our ecosystem.
Next week, FHES will have the next three-hour early release on Monday, March 17th. Please be sure to mark your calendars for the early dismissal. Also, please be sure to look into joining or participating in the annual Show What You Know event on Wednesday, March 26th This is a great opportunity for students to share their interests and learn from others!
Finally, as we begin to prepare for the new school year, please encourage any new neighbors or friends to begin their registration process now for the next school year. When we have advanced notice of students who will be joining Flint Hill at any grade level, this helps ensure that we can have the most staffing available for our school. Kindergarten and new student registration information can be found below. Thank you!
Mr. Montaquila, Principal
Mr. Baker, Assistant Principal
Please join us for kindergarten orientation!
Monday, April 28th from 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm.
Please complete this form to let us know if you will attend the orientation:
FHES Kindergarten Orientation - RSVP
New kindergarten students and their families are invited to visit Flint Hill to learn more about the upcoming school year. To begin, please follow the steps below to begin the registration process.
There’s an easy five-step process outlined for parents looking to register their child for kindergarten:
- Determine eligibility.
- Identify your local school.
- Gather documents.
- Fill out forms.
- Schedule an appointment.
After the appointment at the school (the student and one caregiver must be present), the student will be ready for orientation, Bridge to Kindergarten, or any other introductory events each school may host. Read more about the registration process.
Begin your Kindergarten and New Student Registration today!
If you have any questions, please contact our Student Information Assistant (SIA), Shirley Eason, or call the main office at 703-242-6100.
Our school Read-A-Thon begins on Monday March 10, 2025 and is sure to be a fun and exciting event.
We understand that your time is valuable. We also know that providing the best education for your child is important. That's why we are encouraging everyone to activate their student's Read-A-Thon account as soon as possible. The instructions are straightforward, making it quick and hassle-free, and it should take less than 5 minutes of your time.
This account will serve as a hub for recording and monitoring your child's progress as a Reader in the event, and for you to share their Read-A-Thon message with friends and family. Use the link below to activate your student's Reader account:
Thank you so much for your participation and support. Together, we can make this Read-A-Thon an amazing experience for our young readers!
Thank you,
Flint Hill Elementary School PTA
Calling all family and friends of our fabulous Flint Hill Artists! You are invited to our annual Flint Hill Art Show!
When: Friday, April 4th; 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Where: Flint Hill Elementary School
What: Come enjoy 2D and 3D artwork made by our K-6 artists! Every student has at least one piece of artwork in the show!
Why: Our artists create meaningful artwork that tells a story and showcases various skills. We value the arts at Flint Hill and welcome the support of our community!
Questions can be directed to Ms. McAlister or the Art Show PTA chair, Holly Fulmer.
If you are able to volunteer to assist with preparations for the art show, sign up here!
Every year on March 21, people all around the world come together to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day by wearing brightly colored, mismatched socks. March 21 is symbolic because people with Down syndrome have 3 copies of their 21st chromosome. Socks were chosen because the karyotype of Ds chromosomes actually looks like mismatched socks!
At Flint Hill we will be ROCKing our socks on Friday! Please wear your fun, bright, mismatched socks to join us in this worldwide celebration!

 Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 5:30PM in the FHES Gym
At Show What You Know, students have the opportunity to showcase anything they are passionate about! Whether it’s Pokémon, elephants, coding, or something they have bee working on, this is the perfect time for students to share their knowledge and creativity with others. If you would like to participate, please sign up below! If you simply want to attend the event, no need to register. If you have any questions, please reach out to See you all there!
Show What You Know Registration
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has issued a new, first-time waiver allowing students fasting during the school day from February 28 to March 28, to request take-home breakfast and lunch meal kits. The Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) will provide meal kits reflecting the school menu. Meals will be kept cold and must be heated at home. Students may claim one breakfast and one lunch kit per day. If a student purchases breakfast or lunch at school, they cannot pick up a kit that day. Meal kits must be picked up by students at the end of the school day—adults cannot collect them. Parents or guardians must submit a weekly request form via the FCPS FNS website by the deadlines:
- March 3, for the week of March 10
- March 10, for the week of March 17
- March 17, for the week of March 24
Forms must be submitted on time to receive meal kits for the following week.
FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra learning resources. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes; on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring; essay editing; and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors. |
Registration will be available soon for summer camps offered by Fairfax County Public Schools for all students. Career and Technical Education (CTE) camps and Institute for the Arts (IFTA) camps will be held in July at Lake Braddock Secondary School from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bus transportation will be available from select FCPS middle and high schools. Registration begins for these programs on Monday, March 10, and ends Friday, June 6.
Tech Adventure Camp (TAC) is a week-long exploratory camp designed to allow current K-5 students to explore activities in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math), culinary arts, health, trades, and business and marketing areas. Watch this video about CTE camps.
E-IFTA is a weekly arts camp for students in grades 2-5 who love to sing, dance, act, perform, make, and create. Students take part in four daily classes related to dance, music, theater, and visual art. They work with FCPS fine arts teachers who create fun and engaging classes.
For more information, see the Summer Learning page.
Save the date for SOL testing for grades 3-6.
As required by the Code of Virginia, parents or legal guardians need to provide proof of immunizations for their child to attend public school. All students entering seventh grade are required to receive one dose of each of the following immunizations:
- Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis booster (Tdap) given at age 7 or older.
- Meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) given at age 10 or older.
- A complete series of 2 doses of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
- After reviewing educational materials approved by the Board of Health, the parent or guardian, at the parents/guardians sole discretion, may elect for the child not to receive the HPV vaccine.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to plan ahead by scheduling an appointment with their child’s health care provider now to avoid the rush this summer. If your child does not have a health care provider, please visit the FCPS Immunizations Resource page to find out where to get an immunization.
Please review the Virginia Department of Health Information Packet for more information on rising 7th grade immunization requirements.
FHES has reached over 593 lbs of plastic collected! Please keep sharing your donations to help us reach our 1000lb goal by June!
Please consider helping us meet our NexTrex Challenge goal by transporting the weighed plastic to a local drop off site at an area grocery store. A list of sites can be found here:
All you need to do is:
- 1. Sign-Up for a date to collect the plastic
- Take a bag/s from the lobby
- Place a sign on the poster in the lobby to get credit for your contribution
- Drop off the plastic when you go to the grocery store!
Join us March 15, 2025, at South Lakes High School to ensure the safety, support, and inclusion of every member of our FCPS school community. This event is free and open to all families, educators, and community members. Childcare provided. Please help us plan, register today! For more information visit our website.
March 17th - 3-Hour Early Release
March 26th - Show What You Know
March 28th - End of 3rd Quarter
March 31st - Eid-al Fitr - School Holiday
April 1st - Teacher Workday
April 4th - FHES Art Show - 5-7 pm
April 14-18 - Spring Break
April 28th - 3-Hour Early Release
April 28th - Kindergarten Orientation 1:30pm
Whether students miss school because of illness or any other reason, missing school leads to learning loss.
Help your child succeed by encouraging them to attend as many days as possible, but do make sure your child stays home if they are sick. Visit FCPS’ website for information on when to keep your child at home.
If your child has a chronic illness, make sure to notify their teacher so that support can be provided if needed. Also, keep an open line of communication with your school's public health staff.
Read about how families can help form good attendance habits. Attend today, achieve tomorrow!
Good communication between home and school is vital to a successful school experience for each child. Questions relating to your child should be directed to the classroom teacher. All teachers have voice mail and an e-mail address. The school has a web page that links directly to each teacher’s e-mail.
Each year, FCPS produces a Handbook for its FCPS families. It contains valuable information you may need throughout the year, including calendars, services, and special programs, the instructional program, and information about starting school. Flint Hill Elementary has produced a handbook that includes some additional notes that | |