Good Evening!
Updated email: Yearbook Early Bird Price Has Been Extended

Happy Thursday ! 

I apologize for the contradiction of the email that went out last night. Below you will see the revised version of the email with the CORRECT DATES AND INFO.

I want to start off by thanking everyone who was able to attend our Annual Basketball Tournament last Friday. We all had such a great time and definitely enjoyed the friendly competition. Congrats to the Blue team for their win! Special thanks to Ms. Sorto for opening up the event with her dance team Unity In Dance, all the dancers are Bailey's alumni. We are so proud of you! Shout out to Glory Days of Barcroft and Eye Smile Optometry and Dental Care for being our sponsors this year! 

Our yearbook early bird price has been extended, you can still purchase your yearbook for $25 until April 18th. You can either purchase it online or send your order form with your child. See the flyer below for more information

Our March fundraiser is here and we got dinner covered this month at our local Seven Corners Chick-fil-a. 15% of every purchase will be donated to our school. This is a 2 day event for your convenience.  

As always, have a great rest of your week! 

Warm regards,

Paola Vasquez

PTA President, Bailey's Elementary Schools




  • Deadline for Yearbook Early Bird Price: EXTENDED TO FRIDAY, APRIL 18TH
  • CHICK-FIL-A  Fundraiser for Bailey's Primary Monday, March 24th from 11:00am-8:00pm
  • CHICK-FIL-A Fundraiser for Bailey's Upper Tuesday, March 25th from 11:00am- 8:00pm
  • End of Quarter: Friday, March 28th
  • No School - Eid al Fitr: Monday, March 31st
  • No School - Teacher Work Day: Tuesday, April 1st
  • Family Science Night: Thursday, April 3rd from 6:00pm-7:30pm at Bailey's Primary
  • No School - Spring Break: Monday April 14th- Friday April 18th 
  • 3 hour early release: Monday, April 21

Yearbook Early Bird Deadline Extended

Don't miss out on the opportunity of owning the yearbook and all it's memories inside. We have extended our price of $25 until April 18th. There is still time for you to send in your order form or you can purchase online, please note there's an online order fee. If you are in need of another order form or have any questions you can email us at-




Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser

We have a special fundraiser treat happening this month. We have teamed up with Chick-fil-a for our March Fundraiser. This will be a 2 day event, all you have to do is follow these simple steps:

  1. Downloard the Chick-fil-a app
  2. Place your order at the Seven Corners Location
  3. Make sure to enter the code: Baileyslow or Baileysup when checking out

15% of sales come back to your school, you can dine in or carry out.

We hope to see you there!

When: Monday, March 24th (Bailey's Primary) 11:00am- 8:00pm

           Tuesday, March 25th (Bailey's Upper) 11:00am-8:00pm

Where: Chick-fil-a Seven Corners

             6108C Arlington Blvd, Falls Church, VA 22044


End of 3rd Quarter

The end of the 3rd quarter is around the corner. Keep in mind that all Fairfax County Public Schools will be closed on Monday, March 31 and Tuesday, April 1st. 



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