March 14

Have you had any luck tracking down what's happening here? I'm about to start work on something capturing this and it will be good to know what's supposed to be happening here. I assumed we'd get the proper, edited summary via this API but maybe just with a flag to show it had been edited. In a perfect world we'd be able to see original and edited so we can compare.

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March 10

Hi Guys,

Im using below platform API to retrieve the AI generated call summary with Agent Copilot feature -

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It provides the AI generated summary but not the agent edited one.(When agent sees the summary in the ACW and makes necessary changes since AI generated ones are sometimes incorrect.)

I see there is one parameter in the response "editedsummary" but this parameter comes empty even if agent edits the summary.


Im not sure if this paramter needs any permissions or any configuration needs to do ?
How can I access this edited AI generated summary after the call ends ?

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