charlie.conneely Genesys Employee
March 14

Do you mind supplying the code that invokes GET /api/v2/downloads/{downloadId} and handles the response? I think the mistake must lie in there somewhere (of course be sure to remove any potentially sensitive data.)

Thank you

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In Reply To

March 14
Hi Charlie, Thank you for your response. This is what the query parameters I am setting on both the API Explorer and my Code. Both are same. let opts = { "contentDisposition": "NA", // String | "issueRedirect": false, // Boolean | "redirectToAuth": false // Boolean | }; Thanks, Sid

Previous Replies

March 14

Hi Charlie,

Thank you for your response.
This is what the query parameters I am setting on both the API Explorer and my Code.
Both are same.

let opts = {
"contentDisposition": "NA", // String |
"issueRedirect": false, // Boolean |
"redirectToAuth": false // Boolean |


charlie.conneely Genesys Employee
March 14

Hi @siddd0542

Can you confirm that the query param values for GET /api/v2/downloads/{downloadId} are the same in your code as they are in the API explorer? They can cause unexpected behaviour.

March 12

Hello Everyone,

I working on the code to auto download few data tables based on the Given id of the Datatable. So lets say I give an input of two datatable id's I want to export the data of that two datatable and store it. I am able to pass the data table id for downloading the data, able to do a post request via post /api/v2/flows/datatables/{datatableId}/export/jobs, then able to get the status and the download URI from get
Now after this I am taking the download id from the downloadURI received from the get job and trying to do another get/api/v2/downloads/{downloadId}
However I am getting the results as below:
getDownload success! data: "key,CallsInQueue,CallWaitTime\r\nSet Call Back detail,3,5\r\n"

Whereas when I am trying to run the downloadId in the API explorer I am getting a download link to download the file.
Can anyone please let me know what I am doing wrong here and why I am not getting the link to download the file ?

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