SEL – Partnering to Support Our Students *Childcare Provided for K-6 Students
Join us for an informative workshop on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), the SEL Screener, and how we support your child's growth at school. We’ll discuss:
What is SEL? Learn about the five core competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making
The SEL Screener: We will explain what the SEL Screener is, how it helps us understand your child's social-emotional development, and how we use the results to provide programming and support
Practical Tips for Home: Learn more about how you can foster your child’s SEL skills at home
RSVP to Andrea Howard
Volunteer Volunteer with us! As we begin our House System in the cafeteria (and will soon expand to other areas), we need parents' help to positively recognize students who demonstrate cafeteria expectations and positive behavior, allowing them to earn House points. SIGN UP HERE to volunteer to help us recognize our students in the cafeteria.
Picking Up Students Feeling Unwell If students feel sick during the school day, they will be evaluated by our school nurse. If it is determined that your child needs to be sent home, you will receive a call from the nurse or WSES office staff. Parents should not pick up students who may have messaged them about feeling unwell until they are contacted by the school.
As a reminder, FCPS policy prohibits student use of cell phones and smart watch messaging features during the school day.
Student Intentions - 2025-26 School Year Please indicate your child(ren)'s intention for the next school year if you are moving or will attend another school. One form should be completed for each child ONLY if you are moving or will attend another school. This input will support our staffing and planning for the next school year. This information is non binding but will simply be used to plan. If you are returning, you do NOT need to complete this FORM
Share Your Input on the County Budget The Fairfax County government presented its Fiscal Year 2026 Advertised Budget Plan to the Board of Supervisors on February 18. The community is invited to share feedback through an online survey, email, phone calls, or by attending Budget Town Hall meetings.
Month of the Military Child Family Event
Kindergarten Orientation Monday, April 21st at 2:00pm
*Attend with child, preferably pre-registered following the steps below.
 Rising Kindergarten Student Intention 2025-26 Please complete this form if you have a rising kindergartner and plan on attending West Springfield Elementary School. We are excited for our 2025-26 kindergarten students!
Kindergarten Registration Process If you have a child who will be 5 years old by September 30, they are eligible to attend Kindergarten for the upcoming year. Registration paperwork can be downloaded at this link. Once you have completed the paperwork and gathered the required documents, please email our registrar to set up an appointment: MariaPaz Garcia
Alternatively, you can now use an online registration tool..
WSES Military Families – Mark Your Calendar! Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is gearing up to honor and celebrate its military-connected youth in April, the Month of the Military Child, and on Purple Up! Day! In honor of this celebration, West Springfield is planning the following activities:
- Front Office Display - We will have a display outside the main office honoring the military-connected students. Students are encouraged to complete the form sent home in last week’s Thursday folder. If you haven’t received a form, please email our family liaison at ahoward@fcps.edu.
- School-wide Spirit Week – Monday, April 7 – Friday, April 11
- Purple Up! Day Family Event
All WSES military-connected students and their families are invited to a special family event on Wednesday, April 9, from 8:00 am to 8:45 am in the school cafeteria. Join us as we celebrate the Month of the Military Child with a breakfast potluck and fun activities for the whole family! Please RSVP HERE.
Save the Date
Monday, March 24 - Spring Portraits and Class Photos
Tuesday, March 25 - Parent University - SEL Screener
Monday, March 31 - School Holiday
Tuesday, April 1 - Student Holiday
Wednesday, April 2 - 5th Grade SOL
Monday, April 7 - Friday, April 11 - Book Fair
Thursday, April 10 - Spring Music Concert at West Springfield High School
Friday, April 11 - Book Character Parade/Read-In Day
Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18 - Spring Break
Monday, April 21 - Early Release at 12:30
Future WSES 3-Hour Early Release Mondays: