WPHS News You Choose - 3/14/25

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Table of Contents              

  • Important Dates             
  • Principal’s Message          
  • PTSA     
  • School News  
  • FCPS News   
  • School Fundraisers 
  • Class of 2025  
  • Class of 2026

Important Dates       

March 15 - End date for PTSA Top It Off Fundraiser 

March 15 - WABC Mulch Pick Up/Delivery 

March 18 - PTSA Meeting, WPHS Library, 6:30, Guest Speakers – Officer Brian Mullins, Fairfax County PD, Narcotics Division and Corey Gilmore, WPHS Substance Abuse Specialist

March 26 - Junior College Planning Night

March 28 - End of 3rd Quarter

March 31 - No School - Holiday - Eid al-Fitr

March 31 - PTSA Restaurant Night, Chipotle

April 1 - No School - Student Holiday - Teacher Workday

April 1 - Virginia PTA Scholarship Applications Due  

April 3 - Senior Breakfast  

April 14-18 - No School Spring Break 

April 26 - Prom  

May 20 - Senior Bash  

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am

Principal’s Message

Happy Friday Wolverine Community,

Happy Pi Day!  I think spring is almost here.  The sun has been out and it has been great seeing all your students on the fields and enjoying the beautiful weather.

Early Dismissal Reminder- This is just a friendly reminder, the cut-off time for early student dismissal is 2:30 pm.  We utilize this time to allow staff to get to their dismissal stations for a safe release of all West Potomac students. 

Congratulations to teachers. Lainie Abrams and Jennifer Stoneburg!  They were awarded the FCPS Care of the Month from FCPS for their work with our Unified Basketball league.  They were up against hundreds of other submissions.  Please see the picture below from their celebration. 


I also want to say congratulations to the West Potomac Bands.  Last weekend they took away awards for All-State- WP had three students successfully audition into one of the three all-state groups.

              Nic Ries- Bass Trombone- Orchestra- 1st in the state

              Aiden Bratten- Tenor Trombone- Symphonic Band- 6th in the state

              Molly Gorman- Clarinet- Concert Band- 24th in the state

South County Combined Indoor Drumline- SoCo combined (several WP students participate) received 1st Place in finals at the Powhatan Regional Competition; one of the largest competitions they will participate in before they compete nationally in Dayton, Ohio.

Assessment weekend- West Potomac had three bands perform their own assessment programs. All groups were incredibly successful! Our 1st period concert band performed a MAMMOTH Grade 6 (highest level) program spanning almost 30 minutes of playing, and the group received straight superior ratings from all 4 judges. What they are doing is genuinely special.

Honor Band- the results of 1st Period’s assessment performance combined with the superior ratings earned by the marching band at their state assessment once again earns West Po the title of Virginia State Honor Band for 2024-25!

Have a great weekend!

Jessica Statz, Principal




PTSA Meeting- March 18 at 6:30 PM, WPHS Library 

  • As a society, we have read too many heart breaking stories about teens who become addicted to drugs or die using them.  Protecting our kids is at the heart of what we do each day and yet finding the right words to talk to our kids can be awkward. It’s hard to know what to ask them, what to say, and if you’ll get through to them. But talking about substance use is important for promoting healthy behaviors and as parents educating ourselves on what to look for is a pivotal first step.  Please join us on March 18th for a powerful meeting to hear directly from FCPD Officer Brian Mullins, with over 10 years in the Narcotics division, Officer Mullins shares his experiences and knowledge and will speak to identifying trending narcotics, how to identify behaviors, how narcotics are hidden and more as well as answering your questions.  This meeting is suggested for parents and guardians only.   Please Mark Your Calendars!
PTSA meetingTop It OffTop It Off

PTSA’s Test Prep Program can help you achieve your highest SAT or ACT score.

Test Prep Chair Search is On!  Do you have freshman and/or younger students? Well, SAT/ACT tests are in your future. Be on the cutting edge of changes to the official tests and college admissions by chairing the PTSA’s Test Prep Program! No test prep experience is needed just strong organization and customer service skills. Contact Marilyn Aboff, marilynaboff@yahoo.com, to learn more about managing this rewarding program. Planning next school year starts soon. Now is a great time to jump on board and learn the ropes! Perhaps co-chair for a year?

Current News! The ACT is changing. Read Jed Applerouth’s article at https://www.applerouth.com/blog/the-digital-act-comes-into-focus-what-we-know-now

Current News! Another university now requires SAT/ACT for admission. https://www.applerouth.com/blog/university-of-pennsylvania-joins-fellow-ivies-in-requiring-the-sat-and-act-for-admission

Register for mock tests and test prep classes at https://applerouth.onecanoe.com/school/8946

Sophomores – Use your sophomore year to determine your test preference! Take both the ACT and SAT mock during the last semester to see which test is the best fit for you.  Start thinking about your test prep timing. The most effective results are seen if you complete your prep no more than two weeks before the official test. Plan on taking the official test three times. If you have completed Algebra 2 or above during sophomore year, consider the fall prep class and official tests. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some or all your official testing completed before winter break of junior year? Studies show no score increase by waiting!

Juniors – When you have completed Algebra 2 or above, you are ready for the official tests! If you still need to determine your test preference, take advantage of the mocks (take one of each test). You’ll still have time to take our online or fall prep class! Just remember to plan your testing and prep schedule around the sports/extracurricular activities! The most effective results are seen if you complete your prep no more than two weeks before the official test. Plan on taking the official test three times. If you are taking Algebra 2 during junior year, target the June official test as your first attempt.

SAT & ACT MOCK TESTS ($23.00) Offered in-person on the West Po campus. Laptop required for SAT mocks. Next mocks (SAT and ACT) are 3/29/25 and 5/3/25.

SAT GROUP CLASSES ($475.00) – Watch the Weekly NYC for updates on next school year’s schedule.

ACT CLASSES – Contact Marilyn Aboff, marilynaboff@yahoo.com for options. Offered online with live tutor as space is available. $475.00.

Try Applerouth’s Self-Paced Online Course – $125.00

Available on https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store/items/132319. Email receipt to Marilyn Aboff, marilynaboff@yahoo.com, to complete enrollment. One-year license, unlimited access.

Scholarships - WPHS student need-based scholarships for mocks and classes are available through the College and Career Center Specialist, Karen B. Young, kbyoung1@fcps.edu.  

PTSA Contact – Marilyn Aboff, marilynaboff@yahoo.com

Test Prep Web Page - https://westpotomachs.fcps.edu/student-services/college-and-career-center/test-preparation

School News

Band Assessments

  • West Potomac Bands had three students successfully audition into one of the three All State Bands:

    • Nic Ries- Bass Trombone- Orchestra- 1st in the state

    • Aiden Bratten- Tenor Trombone- Symphonic Band- 6th in the state

    • Molly Gorman- Clarinet- Concert Band- 24th in the state

  • These students will travel to Richmond on April 24-26 to perform in the All Virginia Band, Chorus, and Orchestra event.

  • On March 7-8, West Potomac hosted the District X Concert Band Assessment with the Virginia Band & Orchestra Directors' Association (VBODA). Under the direction of Mr. Joe Antonucci, West Potomac had three bands perform their own assessment programs. All groups were incredibly successful! 4th Period Band earned an overall 1 (SUPERIOR). 2nd Period Band earned an overall 2 (EXCELLENT). Our top band, 1st Period Concert band, performed a MAMMOTH Grade 6 (highest level) program spanning almost 30 minutes of performance time, and received straight SUPERIOR ratings from all 4 judges. What all groups are doing is genuinely special.
  • The results of 1st Period’s SUPERIOR assessment performance combined with the SUPERIOR ratings earned by the Marching Band at their state assessment once again earns West Po the title of Virginia State Honor Band for 2024-25. This is the first back-to-back Honor Band title for West Potomac post-Covid (We were an Honor Band in 2023-2024 as well).

Student Services / College & Career Center

Junior College Planning Night

  • Attention Class of 2026! Are you considering four year and/or two year colleges?  If so, please join us on Wednesday March 26 for Junior College Planning Night
  • We will have a panel of college reps to share information about four and two year college options as well as financial aid and scholarships.
  • We hope you can join us starting at 6pm in Springbank Auditorium.

Northern Virginia Regional College Fair:

 The Office of Admissions at George Mason University invites students & families to one of the largest college fairs in the region! NVRCF will take place on Wednesday, April 9 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at EagleBank Arena in Fairfax, VA. Each year, this fair connects more than 1,500 students with representatives from over 200 colleges and universities across the country.   Reservations are not required, however, students can set up a profile that can be shared with admissions representatives.  See the NVRCF website for additional details: https://events.admissions.gmu.edu/nvrcfstudents/

Financial Literacy Workshop:

The Virginia Williams High School Career Association, Inc. (VWHSCA) will host the annual Financial Literacy Workshop on Saturday, March 22, 2025 from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. at the Gum Springs Community Center (8100 Fordson Rd. Alex. VA  22306).

Topics covered will be: budget, savings, credit, college funding and investment.   More topics may be covered if time allows.  Students and parents/guardians can register by going to   www.vwhsca.org.  The last day to register is Thurs. March 20.  

Academy Day 2025:

Senator Mark Warner invites high school and middle school students, and their families to Academy Day 2025. Attendees will be provided a comprehensive overview of the United States service academies and their admission processes.

Students will be able to meet with officials from all five academies as well as representatives from the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board, Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Richmond, ROTC programs at UVA, the U.S. Marine Corps, VMI, Va Tech Corps of Cadets, and Virginia Women's Institute for Leadership at Mary Baldwin University. Staff from Virginia Congressional offices will be available to answer questions regarding the application procedures for congressional nominations.

Save the Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025       Time: 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Location: University of Mary Washington, Dodd Auditorium in George Washington Hall, 1301 College Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 To ensure you receive an invitation and the registration link for the event, please email academy_noms@warner.senate.gov. For more information on the Academy Nomination Process, please visit www.warner.senate.gov.


FCPS Budget — Our Students Deserve the Best

  • More than $240 million of FCPS’ Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Advertised Budget is dedicated to increasing compensation for our teachers and staff to stay competitive and reduce turnover. Currently, FCPS ranks fifth out of eight neighboring districts in regards to starting salary for teachers with a master’s degree. 
  • Our families expect — and our students deserve — the best teachers.

Next Steps in the Budget Process

  • The next steps in the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process include the School Board presenting the budget to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 22, and then the Board of Supervisors will conduct public hearings Tuesday, April 22, through Thursday, April 24. Community members can submit testimony or sign up to speak
  • Visit the county government website to view the Fairfax County FY 2026 Advertised Budget. The community is also invited to complete an online survey to provide feedback on the county’s FY 2026 Advertised Budget. 

Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process.

Reminder to Sign Up Weekly for Student Fasting Meal Kits

  • Students who are fasting during the school day between now and March 28 can take school meal kits home at the end of the day. Families must fill out a separate request form for each week and for each student in order to receive school meal kits. To receive meal kits for the week of March 24, please fill out this form by March 17. 
  • Please remind your child to pick up their meals each day at our school’s designated location. Visit the Food and Nutrition Services webpage for more information, including weekly request forms and deadlines.

Cameras Installed on School Bus Stop Arms

  • Cameras have been installed on the stop arms of 50 FCPS school buses. These cameras will be used to identify drivers who pass stopped school buses while children are entering and exiting the bus (called a “stop arm violation”). 
  • Warnings for drivers will begin on Wednesday, April 9. After a 30-day warning period, citations will begin to be issued on Monday, May 12.
  • According to Virginia law, drivers must stop for stopped school buses with flashing red lights on and their stop signs extended. Motorists should stop when approaching from any direction (unless there is a barrier or median separating their lane from where the bus is stopped). They should remain stopped until everyone is clear and the bus is moving. 
  • We appreciate our law enforcement partners for working with us to improve road safety and reduce accidents. Read more information about the stop arm cameras and all of the ways that we work with our county partners to keep students safe on their way to and from school.

The Comprehensive School Boundary Review Process Explained

School Fundraisers 

Saturday, March 15th West Potomac will have its annual WABC Mulch Sale. It is the largest fundraiser of the year for the WABC and, by extension, for all West Potomac’s athletic teams. The money raised from this willdirectly support athletes and team needs! 


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