Kilmer MS Newsletter - March 14, 2025

A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

Kilmer students have been busy this week! They are rehearsing for The Addams Family after school, preparing for Crosstown Hoops and getting reading for the band assessment at Madison High School this Friday. Meanwhile, 8th graders are reviewing for the upcoming Integrated Reading and Writing assessment in English classes, 7th grade students have been learning about meiosis and mitosis in Science and the Great Depression in US History. The list goes on and on…and Kilmer is certainly an exciting place to be as the end of 3rd quarter approaches.

On Monday, March 24, Kilmer Middle School parents/guardians will be contacted through email (keep an eye out for an email from with a link to the FCPS Principal Evaluation Parent/Guardian Feedback Form Online. This questionnaire is part of the Performance Evaluation Program and offers parents/guardians an opportunity to provide anonymous input about various topics related to our school. These topics include instructional leadership, school climate, management (human resources and organizational), communication and community relations, culturally responsive and equitable leadership, and professionalism. The questionnaire will be collected online between March 24 and April 4. When you receive an email from FCPS Surveys, please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire. Thank you in advance. 

Have a wonderful weekend and as always, reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Steven McFarlane


Positive Referrals

Here are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!

Amelia K. - Amelia volunteered to help out with cleaning up the kiln room (disposing old clay projects) and worked on packing up the still life project.

Rayan I. - Thank you for kindly loaning your laptop charger to a peer when they didn't have one!

Bridgette J.C. - Bridgette is diligent and works with focus and accuracy. She follows classroom procedures and expectations and participates responsibly.

Eton C. - Mr. Greenfield and I were passing out books to students, and Eton, unprompted, asked if he could help pass out books to students. It was good to see Eton engaged and involved in class today and volunteering to be a helping hand! We appreciate it, Eton!

Jai S. - Bit by bit throughout the year you've applied yourself more to your studies in English. Keep up this great momentum!

Kilmer at a Glance


Upcoming Dates

  • Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) and Diagnostic Writing Activity
    • March 19 - Student will have a flipped Bell Schedule and start the day in their 9th period class
      • 8th grade students participating in the SOL Reading test will complete an integrated reading and writing (IRW) component. The IRW component of the SOL Reading test has one non-fiction reading passage followed by 4-6 of multiple-choice/technology-enhanced items and an “invitation to write” based on the passage. 
      • 7th grade students will participate in a Diagnostic Writing Activity to prepare for next year’s IRW assessment.
  • April 10 - 8th graders travel to Marshall HS or Madison HS for Rising 9th Grade Activities Fair
  • Fine and Performing Arts Spring Dates:
    • Orchestra
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Orchestra Concert 6/2 7 pm @ Marshall HS
    • Band
      • Assessment Concert 3/14 and 3/15 @ Madison HS
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Band Concert 5/28 7 pm @ Marshall HS
    • Chorus
      • Assessment Concert 3/20 @Kenmore MS 
      • Honors Choir 4/24 and 4/25 @ Richmond
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Chorus Concert 5/29 @ Marshall HS
    • Theatre
      • Spring Musical Performance Addams Family
        • March 26th:  Addams Family Student Show – 2:30 pm
        • March 27th: Addams Family – 7:00 pm
        • March 28th: Addams Family – 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
      • May 30th: Broadway Desserts – 7:00 pm
  • FCPS School Calendar 2024-25

Picture(s) of the Week
