Principal's Message
Principal's Message


March 14, 2025


Greetings, Team Langston Hughes:


March is like a lion and will go out like a lamb!  March is a time of transitioning from the many winter activities into the anticipation of spring.   In addition, it is the time of year when students often begin to display mastery of new skills and concepts. 

As we look at warmer weather and brighter days, we want to keep our Panthers focused on continuing to strive to do their best.   I appreciate all of the efforts you continue to put in at home to ensure “success” carries over into the school day, as it impacts our academic standing.    Here are a few suggestions that will make March reporting a productive time of the year.

  • Celebrate your child’s efforts, successes, small wins.
  • Choose one or two key areas for improvement. 
  • Consult with your child and teachers when seeking grading reporting clarity if needed.    Remember, grades belong to students.  They are a means by which we teach personal responsibility, natural consequences, good study skills, and the value of hard work. 
  • March forward! Stay positive!  Spring is on the horizon!