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Dear Stenwood Families,
Spring is in the air! We have sprung the clocks forward! This is always a welcome time of year for the season to change and for our Stingers to get outside to enjoy recess and outdoor learning opportunities!
Last Friday Night, many students and their families had a great time at our PTA Family Fun Bingo Night. Thank you to the PTA, and to our guest bingo callers: Mr. Zirkle and Mrs. Cole.
On Thursday night this week, many of our talented Stinger Artists were featured at the Marshall High School Pyramid Art Show. Thank you to Ms. Riddick and Ms. Polish for all their hard work they put in to have our students contribute their work to the show.
Finally, today, Kindergarten had a fun virtual family invite to share their St. Patrick’s Day writing. It is always a joy to see our youngest Stingers show off all they have learned during their first year in the Hive.
Next week is Neurodiversity Celebration Week in the Hive! We are excited to bring a school-wide focus to recognizing and affirming the many ways our students think, move, process, learn, communicate, and experience the world. During the week, there will be videos from members of our community about neurodiversity on the morning news and a bulletin board showcasing neurodiverse people.
Below you will find additional information about:
Erica Riley, Principal esriley@fcps.edu
Bryan Case, Assistant Principal bgcase@fcps.edu
SOL Testing Schedule
 SOL testing will be taking place in the month of May this year for students in grades 3-6. The SOL assessments are content assessments that measure a student's growth in Reading, Mathematics, and Science (5th grade only). These tests will be conducted during the dates listed in the table above. Please mark your calendar - it is important that your child attend school on the dates designated for them to test. Please ensure your child gets plenty of rest the night prior.
This is Me Night