Luther Jackson March 14, 2025

Our Table of Contents:

Upcoming Events :

March 28, 2025- End of Third Quarter

March 31, 2025- Student & Teacher Holiday (Eid al Fitr)

April 1, 2025- Student Holiday

April 14-18, 2025 Holidays (Spring Break)

Admin Team Information:



Counselors are assigned by alphabet and your first point of contact for any question or concerns you might have.

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Checking Students Out From School:

Families, remember that when coming to the school to pick up your student, an official photo ID must be presented to the Main Office staff. Please understand that this is for security purposes. Driver’s licenses, passports, and military IDs are appropriate examples of official IDs.

Attendance Matters:

Regular school attendance is crucial for student success, and we are committed to ensuring all students have the opportunity to learn and thrive. Missing just 10% of school — just two days a month — negatively affects a student’s academic performance.  When students reach six (6) or more days absent from school they will be invited to attend our Attendance Recovery Program.  These are after-school sessions to make up for missed instructional time. This will help them stay on track with their coursework and avoid falling behind.  Student may also choose for other After-School Academic offerings, such as staying with a teacher, to make up for missed instructional time. 

Benefits of Attending After-School Sessions:

  • Catch up on missed classwork and assignments
  • Receive personalized assistance from teachers
  • Improve academic performance and understanding

Influenza Update:


SOL Testing Schedule:

The Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) test will be administered next week in all 8th-grade English classes. As with all state-mandated assessments, parents have the option to opt their student out of the IRW. If you would like to opt your student out, please contact Ms. Shawn English at

Here is a reminder of the upcoming SOL test dates:

  • Thursday, May 1, 2025 – Reading SOL
  • Thursday, May 8, 2025 – Science SOL
  • Wednesday, May 13, 2025 – Math SOL

Thank you for your continued support in ensuring your child's success.

FCPS Teachers Awarded Wolf Trap Grants for Performing Arts:

Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts has awarded grants to 14 teachers at public high schools and middle schools in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., to fund music, dance, and theater projects in their classrooms. 

Three teachers at FCPS schools are among the grant recipients. The grants are part of Wolf Trap’s Grants for Performing Arts Teachers, an annual program that issues financial awards to support area public school teachers who are working to bring new and exciting performing arts experiences to their students. 

All grantees and their students are invited to participate in a celebratory day of learning at Wolf Trap; participating high school students will perform at The Barns at Wolf Trap on Monday, April 28. 


Grants awarded to teachers in FCPS include:

Stacey M. Jones, Luther Jackson Middle School, (pictured above) for the project “Reviving Ghanian Traditions Through the Blues Workshops” Students in Luther Jackson Middle School's advanced theater arts class will work with Kennedy Center Teaching Artist and Focus 5 Consultant Imani Gonzalez, to learn about Ghanian traditions, connecting the African culture to the African American tradition of the Blues. Studying the blues genre will allow students to explore and tell their own stories. Students will write monologues to connect with the long tradition of defiant storytelling in the face of adversity. Bringing this type of cultural integration into the classroom will strengthen students' sense of identity while promoting acceptance of other cultures through a better understanding of how we are all connected.

Academy Day-April 26, 2025:

Senator Mark Warner will be hosting his annual Academy Day on Saturday, April 26th at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg. This event is for any middle or high school student, their parents/guardians, and school counselors in VA interested in the service academies. Event details are below.


From Student Services:

PTA Corner:

Nomination Committee and Audit Committee: We are actively seeking volunteers for the nomination and audit committees. As a nomination committee member, you help find and nominate PTA officers for the next school year. You can also nominate yourself for any of the open positions. We are also seeking volunteers to conduct an internal audit of PTA financial accounts. If interested, please email

PTA website: Visit our website to become a PTA member, donate online, or to buy spirit wear at

Time to Leap Back in to Spring Track & Field!

track registration


Spring Track and Field season kicks off with an interest meeting next week... Monday, March 3rd, in the MPR during A session after school. 

All athletes must be registered, and have a valid physical on file. (if you were on the Cross Country Team in the Fall, you don't need a new physical... but you still need to register.)

The first day of practice is Monday, March 24th!

Head on over to the LJMS Athletics Website for details and steps needed to complete your registration for the team!


After-School on Fridays?


Magnus Chess Academy

February 21 -May 16 (10 weeks, skipping March 28, April 11&18 for Spring Break)

Magnus Chess Academy has been teaching chess in Fairfax County since 2008. Over that time period we've taught more than 30,000 students in after school clubs, before school clubs, and camps. They include kids who've won seventeen state championships and four national championships, but most of our students are beginners looking to learn a fun new game. That's how all the champions start out too!

Future-Preneurs: A Young Entrepreneurs Workshop

February 21 -May 16 (10 weeks, skipping March 28, April 11&18 for Spring Break)

Step into the shoes of a business owner and experience the excitement of running your own company!  From brainstorming product ideas to crafting marketing strategies, you'll learn what it takes to turn your vision into a thriving business.  

Each activity has room for a max of 20 students, so sign up today!


Summer Programs for LJMS Students

See below for information about two different summer program opportunities available for rising 7th and 8th graders here at Luther Jackson:

HTSMS flyerVIP Camp Poe save the date

Registration opens March 11!

Good things to know:

When students need to miss school, it is important for parents/guardians to communicate those absences with the school.  This can be done by calling the attendance phone line at 703-204-8282. 

Whether students miss school because of illness or any other reason, missing school leads to learning loss.

Help your child succeed by encouraging them to attend as many days as possible, but do make sure your child stays home if they are sick. Visit FCPS’ website for information on when to keep your child at home.

If your child has a chronic illness, make sure to notify their teacher so that support can be provided if needed. Also, keep an open line of communication with your school's public health staff.

Read about how families can help form good attendance habits. Attend today, achieve tomorrow!