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Dear Island Creek Families,
What a wonderful week with our Crocs and, as an added bonus, the weather has been gorgeous for recess!
Wednesday, March 19: 5th Grade IRW (Integrated Reading and Writing) SOL
Friday, March 21: Rock Your Socks for World Down Syndrome Awareness Day!
Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for sharing your amazing children with us!
All our best,
Jen Fallert, Principal
Karen Baxter, Assistant Principal
Denise Cash-Pinckney, Assistant Principal
Help us reach our goal of 5% or less this year!
Regular attendance is a significant factor in a student’s success:
- Chronic absenteeism (missing 10% of the school year) correlates to low academic achievement;
- Absenteeism is a powerful predictor of dropout rates;
- Absenteeism has been linked to poor outcomes later in life.
To ensure transparency and celebrate our progress, we will be sharing weekly attendance data and updates in our newsletter. By highlighting this important information, we aim to keep our families informed and energized about our collective efforts to encourage regular school attendance
Should you have questions, suggestions, or concerns, please reach out to your child's teacher. Additionally, the following staff are here to support and may be reached via email or by calling the front office at 571-642-6300.
Jen Fallert, Principal (jrfallert@fcps.edu)
Karen Baxter, Assistant Principal (kpbaxter@fcps.edu)
Denise Cash-Pinckney, Assistant Principal (dcashpinckne@fcps.edu)
Nikki Bohnert, School Counselor (anbohnert@fcps.edu)
Trina Clinkscales, School Counselor (trclinckscale@fcps.edu)
Jermaine Perkins, School Psychologist (jtperkins@fcps.edu)
Allison DeGregorio, Social Worker (amdegregorio@fcps.edu)
Corine Washington, Public Health Nurse (cwashington@fcps.edu)
On Monday, March 24, parents and guardians of Island Creek Elementary will receive an email with a link to the FCPS Principal Evaluation Parent/Guardian Feedback Form. This questionnaire is part of the Performance Evaluation Program and provides an opportunity to share anonymous feedback about our school’s leadership and environment.
Topics covered in the survey include:
✅ Instructional leadership
✅ School climate
✅ Management (human resources and organizational)
✅ Communication and community relations
✅ Culturally responsive and equitable leadership
✅ Professionalism
The questionnaire will be open March 24 – April 4 and will be collected online. Keep an eye out for an email from FCPSSurvey@fcps.edu and take a few minutes to complete it.
Your input is valuable and helps shape the future of our school. Thank you for your time and feedback!
Congratulations to our Croc Stars who demonstrated the Crocs Creed character traits of being Collaborative and Creative!
 Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Read more about Women’s History Month in National Geographic Kids.
Shown below is a beautiful display our 3rd Grade Classes made in recognition of National Women's History Month!
Island Creek students and staff will be recognizing World Down Syndrome Day on Friday, March 21 with “Rock Your Socks” where students may wear their favorite, wackiest, silliest, most colorful, fun socks! At Island Creek we want ALL students to be seen, valued, heard, and appreciated for their uniqueness. Did you know according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately one in every 772 babies in the United States is born with Down syndrome, making Down syndrome the most common chromosomal condition?
Mr. Korrow and Mrs. Rozycki were so happy to see many students and families at “Authors and Artists” night. We loved seeing the pure joy of our students sharing with their families their creativity with their writing and, of course, their art! It was also great fun to debut our first “glow show/ glow gallery” to the evening with the help of our administration, many staff members, and parents. A great deal of “behind the scenes” work made this evening happen. We’d specifically like to thank the following parents who volunteered their time to help mount, label, organize, and prep artwork: Ms.Cooper, Ms. Bauman, Ms. Minnix, Ms. Paasch, Ms. Berhanu, and Ms. Motta. We’d also like to thank those again who supported our Square 1 art fundraiser earlier this year – some of the proceeds went to funding supplies/ resources for this special evening.
Mrs. Rozycki’s classes are completing their clay units with kiln fire clay and are transitioning to painting with tempera. Kindergarteners are creating “Elmer the Elephant” paintings to complement a story shared about a very unusual, colorful elephant. 2nd grade has begun a study on “seasonal colors in art” and the concept of “abstract” to create a “weaving” of two self-created paintings representing two different seasons. Third grade is creating a “dot/ pointillism” style painting inspired by the work of Aboriginal artists of Australia with ties to their studies of world civilizations. 4th grade will begin Virginia landscape paintings representing the five regions and create Native American-influenced coil pottery tied to their social studies curriculum. 6th graders are painting a landscape of their choosing and incorporating one point perspective.
"Authors and Artists" has wrapped up, and Mr. Korrow's classes are diving into clay! First grade is crafting unique pinch pot luminaries, fourth grade is exploring Virginia's Indigenous cultures with Native American coil pots, and fifth grade is bringing clay gargoyles to life—a true 5th Grade classic! We can't wait to see where their creativity takes them!