McNair Upper Elementary School, Weekly News & Updates

MUES Weekly News & Updates

March 14, 2025

Congrulations to MUES' 2025 Spelling Bee Winner!


Please join our Mustang family in congratulating Miyukh Das, 3rd grade student in Ms. McCarthy's class, for being named this year's McNair Upper ES' 2024-2025 Spelling Bee Champion!

A Note from Mrs. Goddin...

Hello MUES Families,

It has been a great week at MUES! Our 4th grade team had a very successful field trip to the Baltimore Aquarium on Wednesday. Some of our Mustangs were even able to see the dolphins training! 

We also took advantage of the milder weather this week and had our March fire drill. On Tuesday, we practiced what to do in the event of a tornado by holding our annual tornado drill. Our Mustangs did an excellent job seeking shelter and following the expected protocol in the event of a tornado.  

As we move forward to next week, we have a lot of events taking place. Our March PTA meeting will be held on Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM at McNair ES, the primary school. And, on Thursday evening, we will hold our first-ever staff vs. 6th grade students basketball game. We hope that your family is able to come up out and join us for both of the events. Lastly, don't forget that on Monday, March 17th, school dismisses at 12:30 PM.

Wishing our entire Mustang family a wonderful weekend! 


Melissa Goddin

Proud Principal

Three-Hour Early Release from School on Monday, March 17th


Our next three-hour early release day for our Mustang community is Monday, March 17th. Students will dismiss at 12:30 PM; unless they are scheduled to stay after school and dismiss at 3:30 PM or stay for SACC.

Please ensure that your Mustang knows how they are getting home from school on Monday especially if it is different than every other day during a regular school week. 

If you have any questions, you are welcome to call the main office at (571) 982-1700 for assistance or email Mrs. Goddin, Principal, at

House Meetings & House Spirit Day!


Our March House meetings will take place on Monday, March 17th from 9:00-10:00 AM. Please encourage your Mustang to wear their House t-shirt to school for their House meeting and to celebrate their House team spirit! 

MUES Staff Vs. 6th Grade Students Basketball Game


We are excited to announce the McNair Upper staff versus 6th grade students’ basketball game! The game will take place on Thursday, March 20th at 6:00 PM in our gym. This event is open to all 6th grade students who want to play. For planning purposes, all students interested in playing must fill out this google form by Friday, March 13th. There will be food, drinks, and halftime festivities. This event is going to be a family affair and a lot of fun. Be on the lookout for more information soon!

If you have questions, please feel free to email Mr. Credle, Assistant Principal, at

FCPS Cares Program


Is there a staff member at McNair Upper ES that you would like to recognize?

The FCPS CARES Program allows parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees who go above and beyond to help others and show they care about their students, colleagues, and the community. We invite you to submit a story below to acknowledge the great work of an FCPS employee or group of employees who should receive FCPS CARES recognition.  

Please take note of the following before submitting an FCPS CARES:

  • Submissions are entered through StaffConnect, the HR portal for all employee actions. Select “I want to submit a(n)” and scroll to “FCPS Cares Submission.” The report will use the word “incident,” which is a generic term for all submissions, regardless of type.
  • A notification email, with the submission text included, will be sent to the recipient(s) and copied to the recipient's supervisor(s). 
  • All submissions will be posted to our FCPS CARES webpage and shared via other FCPS news outlets.
  • Submissions containing personal or sensitive information may be edited to protect individuals' privacy.
  • Feel free to compose your submission using a text editor such as Microsoft Word before copying and pasting it in the StaffConnect text box.
  • For questions, please email