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Principal’s Message |
Greetings Tiger Families!
Read Across America Day, which was established by the National Education Association (NEA) in 1998 to help get kids excited about reading was observed this year on March 3rd. Our Twain library, led by our librarians Vicki Howard and Dionne Silver, work tirelessly to engage our students in reading not just on this date, but throughout the school year. This week our 8th grade students took the Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) exam, required by the Commonwealth, to measure their reading and writing skills. We are grateful for the reading instruction and practice that occurs not only in our English Language Arts classrooms, but in all our classrooms every day. Reading truly is a part of all learning we do and central to our students’ success in their academics and life.
You can learn more about Equitable Access to Literacy in this video.
Please have a safe and restful weekend – maybe with a book?
Twain’s Weekly Schedule
Monday, March 17: Anchor Day Schedule
Tuesday, March 18: Odd Day Schedule
Wednesday, March 19: Even Day Schedule
Thursday, March 20: Odd Day Schedule
Friday, March 21: Even Day Schedule
Twain’s After School Program Schedule
Date First Block Second Block Scheduled Cancellations
3 – 17 - 25 2:30 – 3:30 3:35 – 4:40
3 – 18 - 25 2:30 – 3:30 3:35 – 4:40 No Open Gym
3 – 19 – 25 2:30 – 3:30 3:35 – 4:40
3 – 20 – 25 2:30 – 3:30 3:35 – 4:40 No Drama Club
3 – 21 -25 2:30 – 3:30 3:35 – 4:40 No After School / Tiger Night!
PTA Updates
PTA General Membership Meeting : March 18th!
Mark your calendars for our next PTA membership meeting on Tues, March 18th @ 7:30pm. Click this link to join us: PTA Zoom Link
We will have many details to share about the Spring Tiger Night scheduled for Friday of that same week. See you there!
Spring Tiger Night @ Twain : Friday, March 21st!
7 DAYS until Tiger Night! NEXT FRIDAY, March 21st from 6 – 8pm at Mark Twain.
We are in URGENT! need of more volunteers to sell tickets to students during lunch next week and to volunteer their time to chaperone and sell concessions during the event from 6-8pm at the middle school (Volunteer arrival time is 5:30pm). This is a PTA sponsored event organized and run by parents, guardians, and community members in partnership with our amazing Mark Twain MS administrative team.
The Tiger Night event can only happen with a lot of volunteers.
Please use this SignUp Genius link to offer your support and learn more about this popular student social event: Tiger Night Sign Up Genius
Volunteers are typically parents, guardians, and community members.
Activities that need coverage include concessions, chaperones in the board & video game room, dance floor, and help with karaoke, improv, volleyball, ping pong and the basketball tournament.
If you have questions about the event or volunteering, please contact Robin Christman and Sarah Rodgers (Tiger Night Co-Chair) at mtmspresident@gmail.com.
Robin L. Christman Sarah Rodgers Stacy Day
Mark Twain MS PTA President Tiger Night Co-Chair Tiger Night Co-Chair
 Spirit Night: Chipotle @ Kingstowne : March 12th!
Thank you to the families who joined us at the Kingstowne Chipotle last night. The evening was an overwhelming success. Personally, it was great to catch up with friends and see everyone enjoying the night.
Twain PTA on Social Media
Follow us on Facebook at Mark Twain MS PTA and Instagram at twainmspta to stay in touch with what’s happening at Twain PTA.
Support Twain NJHS with Paisano’s Pizza! |