Heartburn is the burning sensation in the chest due to reflux of the acidic stomach contents. Besides certain foods... Read more...
Does This Cause Cancer?
Luncheon meats, cold cuts, and hot dogs all have preservatives called nitrites, which cause... Read more...
Can You Live a Normal Life After Donating a Kidney?
Considering a kidney donation can be challenging. While most people have two kidneys, people who have donated a kidney... Read more...
Most Effective Mosquito Repellent
The best mosquito repellents according to ingredients: DEET, picaridin, and IR3535. The reason that DEET, picardin, or any other repellents... Read more...
Is It OK to Walk With Knee Pain?
Several studies state that the right kind of exercises can work wonders for those with knee pain and arthritis. These work especially well for... Read more...
Are Strawberries Bad for Your Stomach?
Strawberries are one of the most popular berries in America. They are rich in antioxidants and fibers. Strawberries seem to be good for... Read more...