Oak View Review
News and Notes of the Week (10/20/2024)

Image of Woodson Homecoming Parade

Wonderful Woodson Homecoming Parade!

Oak View was thrilled to ride along with our Woodson Cavaliers in their annual Homecoming Parade this past Friday! We were able to visit with former Oak View Eagles and share candy with a few current Eagles who lined the parade path! Thank you for your support of our pyramid high schools! Go Cavs!!

Image of Storybook Pumpkin Festival

Storybook Pumpkin Festival Still Accepting Pumpkins!

Oak View Librarian, Mrs. Atkins, is delighted to host our annual Storybook Pumpkin Festival! Every Oak View student is invited to join in the fun and create their own Storybook Pumpkin to be displayed in our library. Pumpkins must be smaller than your child's head, fit on a paper plate and in a backpack. Pumpkins can be painted, colored or added to in every other way but cannot be carved! Pumpkins must represent an elementary school appropriate book character. See all additional guidelines linked here. Storybook pumpkins are on display now through October 31 and can be delivered anytime within that window. This is a completely optional activity for students to celebrate fall!

Image of Field Day

Last Call for Field Day Volunteers!

Oak View invites all interested parents to support our upcoming Field Day, this Friday, 10/25. This is a huge school-wide event and run best with numerous parent volunteers! Please take a moment and sign up here. You can sign up for any portion of the day that works for your schedule. We thank Mr. Hutzel and Mr. Corey for their organization of such a wonderful event!


Our Field Day times are listed below:

Grades K-3

9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Grades 4-6

12:45 - 2:45

Image of Spirit Week

Oak View End of Quarter Spirit Week - STARTS FRIDAY

Oak View is excited to celebrate the end of the quarter. We will hold our annual Spirit Week beginning this Friday, 10/25 with Team Colors Day for our Fall Field Day! We hope all students and staff will participate in each day!

*Remember, for Thursday, 10/31, students are invited to dress as any character that can be found in a book. These need to be school appropriate costumes and cannot include any weapons or face coverings.

Image of Birthday

Oak View Birthday Recognition - Reminders - No Food Sharing at Lunch

Oak View student birthdays are important to us and are recognized in a variety of ways:

1) Name on morning announcement

2) Birthday Post-card and pencil from Admin Team

3) Optional - Birthday Book Donation to OV Library (see below)

Families are welcome to celebrate with their child by coming to lunch. We ask that families refrain from bringing any food. Birthday treats are not permitted at Oak View. We have numerous students with serious and life-threatening allergies and do not allow for any food celebrations outside of pre-planned class parties, two times per school year. Thank you for providing a safe and celebratory environment for all students.

If you do not celebrate birthdays in your family and prefer your child is not recognized, please email your child's teacher.

Image of birthday books

Upcoming Student Birthday? Consider a Birthday Book Donation to OV Library

Does your child have an upcoming birthday? We invite you to donate a book to our school library in your child’s honor during their birthday month! The book you purchase will receive a bookplate inside indicating the book was purchased in honor of your child’s birthday. Please see current wish list and book purchasing guidelines listed in Friday Folder Flyer linked here

You are also welcome to purchase the book from any local bookstore. Bard’s AlleyScrawl Books, and One More Page Books would all be willing to order and ship books. 

If you wish to purchase something not on this list, please email our school librarian, Mrs. Atkins first (mfatkins@fcps.edu). All books in the library must follow the acquisitions guidelines from FCPS. 

This is a completely optional activity and one we thank you for considering. All student birthdays are recognized at Oak View through their name on the morning announcements and a post card and birthday pencil from administration. Oak View does not permit food celebrations due to severe and life-threatening food allergies. 

Image of Restaurant Night

Dine at Honeygrow Wednesday - Support OV PTA

Oak View PTA is sponsoring a restaurant fundraiser at Honeygrow - in Fair Lakes Shopping Center. 20% of all sales that mention Oak View will be returned to the school. Spread the word, tell your friends and take a morning or evening off on Wednesday, October 23 at Honeygrow

More info can be found here.

Image of Ram

Robinson Homecoming Parade - 10/25

Oak View is excited to again participate in Robinson Homecoming Parade and activities. Save the date and join us along the parade route on Friday, October 25 at 4:45. This is right before OV PTA Movie Night so make it an entire evening!

Image of Early Dismissal

Early Release Monday Returns on October 28

Oak View thanks all families for their support of our first Early Release Monday last month. Our next 3-hour early release will occur on Monday, October 28 with dismissal at 12:15 p.m. As a reminder, students are to leave school and supervision will be provided for those families who indicated they required assistance. A NEW Survey will be sent tomorrow, Monday, 10/21 and ONLY needs to be completed if you require a change to how your child(ren) went home during our first early Monday release on 9/23

Image of Author Visit

Author Ann Marie Stephens Visits Oak View - November 8

Oak View Librarian, Mrs. Atkins, has again coordinated a year of amazing author visits for our students! We begin with Ann Marie Stephens who will visit our Kindergarten and First Grade Students on November 8. As part of the author visit, families have the option to purchase books in advance that they author will sign for students. The deadline to purchase is October 28. Ordering a book by Ann Marie Stephens is not required. All students will get to enjoy her visit regardless of book purchase.

Books ordered through Bookworm Central earn books for the school library.

Questions about ordering? Check out this step-by-step guide or email Marcie Atkins, Librarian at mfatkins@fcps.edu.

Image of Eco Club

Oak View Eco Club - Open to Grades 3-6

We are forming this year's OV Eco Club and we're looking for interested students in grades 3-6 to join us! We'll be planting and tending to our gardens; making recycling plans; educating others in the school about environmental practices through posters and morning news ads; and other projects that the students may want to take on!  Our first meeting will be Wednesday, October 30.  After that, we'll meet once a month, usually on the third Wednesday and we'll give you plenty of notice!  If you have a student that cannot participate after school but would like to participate in projects during school hours, please email us.  For more information and to sign up, view our Google form.  Space is limited, but the club is free! If you have any questions, please contact Kim Andray and Amy Riddick.

Image of Robinson Family Resource Fair

Save the Date - Robinson Family Resource Fair - October 29

Oak View is partnering with all other feeder elementary schools and hosting a Family Resource Fair at Robinson on Tuesday, October 29. The event will take place from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in the Gold Cafeteria at Robinson Secondary.  All families in our community are invited to attend to connect with local organizations that will provide information about support and resources in the areas of health, recreation, education, and school/family partnerships.  Refreshments will be served, and childcare activities will be offered.

Image of Operation Rise

Operation RISE at Oak View - Sign Up Now

Oak View is glad to partner with Robinson students  and provide Operation Rise again this school year. Operation RISE is a Robinson sponsored, student-run program in which trained high school volunteers come to Oak View Elementary School to provide fun, hands-on science experiments in order to foster a love for the STEM subjects through exploration, and as an opportunity to explore STEM careers. This free program is currently only available to 5th and 6th grade students and it is limited to 25 students total. Once the program is filled, we will start a waitlist. Please sign up here.

Image of Veterans Day

Share Your Veteran Picture!

With Veterans Day coming up, Oak View students, teachers, and community members are invited to share photos of themselves or loved ones who have served or who are currently serving in any branch of the United States military.  Please provide the name, rank, military branch of the serviceperson pictured, Oak View connection, and the name of the person submitting the photo with any other pertinent information you feel should be shared. Submit photos no later than Monday, November 4, using this form. 

Photos will be used in a video tribute to honor area veterans at our Veterans Day Tribute on Wednesday, November 13.

Image of PTA Movie Night

OV PTA Movie Night - This Friday!

Oak View PTA will host a movie night this Friday, 10/25. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. and first movie begins at 6:00 p.m. There will be two showings this evening and snacks for sale! Proceeds will support the end of year sixth grade activities. Please join us for this fun-filled evening!

Image of Fall Fest


OV PTA Fall Festival - This Saturday, October 26 11 AM - 2 PM

Oak View PTA will host the annual Fall Festival on Saturday, October 26 from 11:00 - 2:00 p.m. at Oak View.  This free and large community event will feature a Trunk-or-Treat (11:00 AM - 12:30 PM), Magic Show at 1:00 PM, fun crafts, face painting, balloon art, photo booth, games, and food trucks.  The Little Mermaid Jr. sixth grade musical team will also be fundraising during the event with donuts and 50/50 raffle tickets for sale (cash/Venmo accepted).  See the flyer for more event details!  

P.S. Don't forget to bring your own treat bag!

Image of Donation Drive

Oak View PTA Partners with Community Organization to Raise Funds for School

Oak View is excited to announce a new partnership between OV PTA and a local community organization that pays for bulk donations of items. These items are then readied for retail and sold in their local stores. The raised funds will support school-wide events at every grade. Our 6th graders will be helping to organize the items and ready for them for retail and will earn the greatest percent of funds from the donations. These funds will be used to support their end of year activities. We thank you in advance for your donations and will be collecting the items noted in the flier above beginning this Saturday, at OV PTA Fall Fest and then throughout the month of November. Thank you in advance for your consideration!

Image of community conversation