The Bracelet
From Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles, Angels & Messages from Heaven
By Cj Cole
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
~Luciano De Crescenzo
The year I was born, the Vietnam War had been underway for eight years. Many of the men and women who served in that conflict never came home. In an effort to promote awareness for those missing or suffering in captivity, a group called VIVA began the POW/MIA bracelet campaign.
The original, simple cuff bore the name/rank/date of loss of a serviceperson who was missing or possibly captive. They were solemn reminders of empty places at the dinner table, beloved family members unable to return home. They were seen on the wrists of nearly everyone — famous people and regular people alike — hoping the servicepeople would never be forgotten.
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