By Karen Mitchell Buying groups have a handle on the industry like nobody else. As the vital link between vendors and integration partners, buying group execs are consistently striving to strengthen the ties.
If your product was launched since the last CES show in January 2024, or if you’ve brought game-changing upgrades or new features over the last 12 months, we would love to see your product at the show for consideration of winning an award.
By Katye McGregor Bennett Technology’s role in our line of work is simple: to make people’s lives easier and more enjoyable. Yet the messaging many tend to use in their marketing and sales efforts is engineering- or spec-driven, highly technical, overwhelming, or assumes too much familiarity. In that case, clients, prospects, and trade partners often feel alienated and dismiss what’s being offered as unnecessary or even intimidating. The solution? K-I-S-R — Keep it Simple and Relatable.
We are pleased to honor the exceptional products that were exhibited at CEDIA Expo 2024. This digital Program Guide features all of the nominees in the 2024 awards program and highlights the winners.
Sending video throughout a home has never been more important, and thanks to the latest innovations, it has also never been easier. In this special supplement, we talk to top professionals about how they present video over IP to their customers.
Whole-home audio is a growing product category for custom installers that is not only profitable in itself, but opens a gateway to bigger projects. In this special supplement, we speak with top dealers and manufacturers about the latest tools available and how they present them to clients.