Carolyn Hax is away. The following first appeared Aug. 11 and Nov. 7, 2010. Hi, Carolyn! My wife has a good friend who will soon be married for the third time. Her first two marriages ended in divorce. The woman’s soon-to-be husband will also be married for the third time. (One divorce — his second wife died.) We attended her first two weddings. I see this woman perhaps once a year, and I’ve never met her intended. They live locally. I really don’t want to go; I think it’s a farce. However, I know I’ll end up going. My wife doesn’t ask much from me, and yes, she thinks it’s a farce, too. I have all kinds of great lines that I’m not going to be able to use, but I’m at a loss. Have you or any readers attended multiple weddings of the same person who wasn’t related? I don’t remember what we gave her for the first two. Any suggestions? — Baltimore |