Asian markets were buoyant on Tuesday. The MSCI Asia ex-Japan index rebounded from a five-month low and blue chip Chinese stocks leaped more than 2.5%, as regulators pledged more support for markets and local chip firms rallied after the U.S. stepped up its tech curbs.
Japanese stocks went the other way, however, after Bank of Japan Deputy Governor Ryozo Himino flagged the chance of a rate hike next week. The Nikkei 225 index chalked up its biggest fall in two and a half months, slumping 1.8%.
That's the regional local backdrop to the open on Wednesday, where the main local event will be Bank Indonesia's policy decision. Spooked by recent currency volatility, BI is widely expected to keep its main interest rate on hold at 6.00%.
With inflation at the lower end of the central bank's target range of 1.5%-3.5%, monetary policy is being directed towards stabilizing the rupiah, which is down around 7% against the dollar from its September peak.
Like most emerging countries, Indonesia has been hit hard by spiking U.S. bond yields and the dollar "wrecking ball", a tightening of financial conditions that is restricting BI's ability to ease policy.
According to Goldman Sachs, Indonesia's financial conditions have deteriorated sharply since late September, mainly due to the rise in long rates and decline in equities. They are now the tightest since October 2023, and close to the tightest since October 2022.