Today’s reality for Electric Utilities is very challenging with increasing threats from extreme weather, wildfires, pests, and aging infrastructure. At the same time, the consequences of outages are growing making maintaining reliable power more and more difficult.
If you consider their performance, expected life, maintenance costs and other shortcomings, traditional wood, steel, concrete and ductile iron utility poles aren’t effective. Engineered composite poles from Resilient Structures let you plan for the future with confidence - consider the following use cases:
1. Critical Structures & Circuits Valuable equipment and circuits demand poles that can survive any weather
2. Structures with High Installation Cost When access is difficult, you want to install the pole easily and only once
3. Locations Where Conventional Structures Don’t Last Wetlands, wildfire, wind, and ice can quickly take their toll on traditional structures
Ensure your system remains reliable. Learn why leading utilities across North America are deploying our engineered structures.
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