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Roadrunner Rundown
January 21, 2025
Principal's Message
Dear Marshall Road Families,
We hope you enjoyed the long weekend and were warm and safe. Students will not be going outside during these days of extreme cold. You can find more information below about safety during these cold winter days.
Keeping our students and staff safe at arrival and dismissal is of utmost import. Parents who drive their children to or from school must use the Kiss & Ride Lane unless you need to park and come into the building for a meeting. Dropping off or picking up students along Marshall Road and in Delilah Drive is not allowed. Only students walking to school should use the Marshall Road crosswalk. Kiss & Ride has been backed up recently because of the extra traffic on Marshall Road. When leaving the Kiss & Ride line, please only turn right on Marshall Road during arrival and dismissal. All families must abide by these guidelines for the safety of all. If you are using the Kiss & Ride lane, please join the line early enough to allow your child time to get to their class by 9:20 am. Students who arrive to class after 9:00 am will be marked tardy.
As we mentioned last week, we have four student teachers from Seoul National University at our school through the end of this week. These aspiring educators have jumped right in to observe and assist teachers in classrooms while they gain valuable insights into the teaching methods and the vibrant learning environment that MRES provides. We are learning from them as they learn from us and are grateful for the ways they are enriching our school community by providing different perspectives and fostering international educational exchange.
We are so grateful for the wonderful community members who care for our students and school. Over the weekend, some “magic shoveling elves” (former parents) shoveled a new path that was obstructed by the plowing. Acts of kindness like this one are what make MRES such a wonderful place.
Have a great week!
Matthew Chapman, Toni Nauflett, and Kelly Willis
Administrative Team
School Events and Information
Attendance Matters
Missed Days Add Up Quickly!
- Just a few missed days a month adds up to several school weeks missed in a year.
- Both excused and unexcused absences can make it more difficult for your child to keep up with other students, especially in math and reading.
- Kindergarten and first grade are critical for your child. Missing school during these early years makes it more difficult for children to learn in later years and they often have trouble reading by the end of third grade.
Find more attendance resources.