
Dear Reader,

With Donald Trump's return to the oval office, the war on crypto is over.

The digital currency is not only set to be released from its constraints...

it could be about to explode.

Trump has vowed to roll back Biden's "crusade against cryptoon his first day in office.

Promising that crypto is "going to the moon" and that America will become "the crypto capital of the planet."

He's pushed for an increase in crypto mining in the United States. 

And legislation has already been proposed to create a strategic reserve for Bitcoin.

The market has already responded...with Bitcoin surging to all-time highs in the aftermath of Trump's victory.

But there's one special coin who could reap the biggest benefits of a Trump presidency.

It could be the centerpiece of Trump’s Project Crypto.



PS. This coin may be Trump's favorite crypto...

And his vice-president J.D. Vance is a major backer.

With the pair set to take office, this coin's potential couldn't be higher.

Find out more about  what makes this coin so special.

ped provide positive representation for LGBTQ+ audiences. In a prior article for Radio Times, Moss believed that while the relationship could be seen as "tokenistic" due to its late introduction, she highlighted that the fact the series was even willing to go through with it at all, stating that it helped to avoid the ship becoming queerbaiting. Adi Tantimedh, writing for Bleeding Cool, praised the relationship for the depth it gave to both Yaz and the Thirteenth Doctor's characters. Tantimedh stated that while it was criticized for failing as a lesbian romance, she saw it as helping to pioneer an asexual relationship on-screen in the form of the Thirteenth Doctor, citing the Doctor's lack of gender nonconformity and how the Doctor reciprocated Yaz's love in a non-sexual manner. Opie, writing in another article for Digital Spy, criticized the final scene between the two, believing that, despite the scene being the culmination of Whittaker's time on the show, the romance was not fully enacted upon. He stated that while he was aware that it was designed as a "doomed romance", he felt its inclusi