In its opening episodes, Skeleton Crew captures the childlike wonder so many of us had when we first experienced the magical world of Star Wars. And, for the first time outside of animated shows, the audience surrogates in Skeleton Crew are actual children, acting as a kind of mash-up of the Stranger Things gang and The Goonies, traversing the faraway galaxy in a stolen pirate ship. Among this group of four, the character of KB was initially a puzzle for Star Wars fans. Was she a cyborg? A new kind of droid? Something else? Turns out, outside of some cybernetic modifications, KB is simply a human. Her “mods” were the result of an accident, meaning, that like Darth Vader, KB relies on science-fictional technology to survive. But unlike Vader, KB is a true hero, and as many fans pointed out, her presence in Skeleton Crew presented disability in Star Wars with much more care and nuance than ever before. As Skeleton Crew wrapped up, Inverse got in touch with the young actress behind KB, Kyriana Kratter. She revealed what it was like to get into character, what she hopes for the future, and why Jude Law is legitimately terrifying in real life. |