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Hi there!

I've got a LOT of updates to share with you this week.

First off, next week Alex and I are hosting a panel on AI and Vue at Vue.js Nation! It's happening January 29-30, and you can get your free ticket here.

This week I started working on the update for Mastering Nuxt. Soon, I'll be able to share more as it starts to take shape!

I'll also be speaking at VueConf US in May in Tampa! I'm giving a talk on component patterns there.

Lastly, if you missed it, I released a free email course on component patterns a couple months ago. You'll get 5 emails over 5 days with different patterns for building better components in Vue, covering some of the material from Clean Components Toolkit.

Of course, there are more tips, articles, and a new podcast episode for you to enjoy.

— Michael