January 22 |
I'm needing to find the total number of calls coming in our trunk. I see many posts for using the /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunks/metrics but I'm not getting any data. We have virtual edges with several trunks but there is 1 trunk in particular I'm wanting to check calls on. From what I can see, I can't just use my trunk ID to make the query. I need to query a list of trunk ID's returned from each of the edges? When I try to query, I'm receiving back a 200 ok but no data. Just brackets [ ].
Has anyone done this that could walk me through what I'm missing?
/api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunks (get the list of trunks from the edge or edge group)
/api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunks/metrics (query the trunk ID list recieved above to see inbound / outbound on each)
I've reviewed this one but still not putting something together correctly -
Getting the call count (inbound and outbound) using a Data Action Data ActionsHello, There are different things to take into account. The "/api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunks/metrics" returns an array of objects. I mean: [ {...}, {...}] When you specify multiple trunks using the trunkIds query parameter, the values are comma separated. But when sending the request, you will need to escape the commas. I mean , becomes %2C. I have managed this in the Data Action Configuration Request using $esc.url macro. As a comment on the TrunkIds (you may have noticed that al…
Thanks in advance.
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